1 simple idea to recharge yourself when emotionally weary
1 simple idea to recharge yourself when emotionally weary
I’m checking all the plugs and wiggling the cords of life today.
It seems I am alive and well, but even though I appear to be plugged in without a connection.
Something is blocking the current needed to sustain my spirit.
Ever feel that way? Running around, aware that you are moving? And yes, technically things might even be getting done but there is something wrong.
There is no juice left and it literally feels like our last reserve of energy just short-circuited.
Why is recharing yourself important?
All the purpose and plans grand ideas of yesterday? Eh. The intentional life we’ve been pursuing? Sigh.
That is where I am today. My body is sore and my energy is wiped out. Where are you?
When this happens, we have the choice to keep slugging along or to find a new power supply. We can change the way we view things by stepping back and just unplugging.
Seems counterintuitive, unplugging when we need the power.
We need a breather when this happens. I know, there is no way we can take a break right now because ______.
Not true.
How can I recharge after stress?
The more we try when we have nothing left, the further we get from the power of restoration.
I am going to finish this up and unplug for the day. Not think about the to-dos and the marketing and the stuff that drains me. Instead, I’ll go open up my power source.Â
I will read God’s word and find peace. For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish. Jer. 31:25.
Rest is the best
We can lay down and rest because the world won’t end without us.
We don’t need to tell our kids to clean up or our husband to help us more. Chances are excellent all those things will be there tomorrow and none the worse for waiting.
There is nothing “wrong”, we just need to stop, just for a bit.
We can choose a quiet life today (to the best of our abilities) so that tomorrow we’ll be grounded again. Recharged. Ready to live with the joy this life instills.
Please, don’t believe the lie that you are here to be the one who fixes everything. Who keeps a brave face, all the time. Who seems to have it all together, when she if falling apart on the inside.
How to recharge yourself through margin
There is no shame in a slower pace with plenty of margin.
One simple idea to recharge yourself-Unplug today, to the best of your ability, and check your connections. Get restored with the things that really make a difference. You are doing so much more than you know.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. – Matthew 11:29
I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. – Jeremiah 31:25
Today, it is okay to choose to disconnect for a window of restoration. You have done enough for the moment, and even Jesus chose rest.
What a sweet example for us to feel free in following. God bless you as YOU recover and prepare to plug back in to a stronger connection.
For extra encouragement about feeling what Butterfly Living calls “spiritual fatigue”, click here.
Resources to help recharge:
- The Art of Rest: Faith To Hit Pause In A World That Never Stops
- Peace with the Psalms: 40 Readings to Relax Your Mind and Calm Your Heart
- Find Peace: A 40-day Devotional Journey For Moms
- The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You (ps, I am an HSP, are you?)
- Disclosure: I only recommend products I do/would use myself. This post may contain affiliate links that at NO additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission to help support this blog. Read full privacy policy here.
Oh yes I know this feeling. I feel it so often. I love the idea of unplugging when you need power. I think I need to unplug this weekend.
Please do Tricia, let me know how it goes for you
This is so true. Sometimes we need to step away and find something to restore our energy and spirit. Sometimes it comes in the form of baking, sometimes in letting my creative juices flow in the sewing room, and sometimes it comes from just sitting quietly (I find this part the hardest).
Kathryn, thank you for sharing about your own stepping back. Funny thing about baking, it is calming to me as well. Peace to you
Praying for you
Thank you La, I am fantastic now 🙂
I feel the need to unplug every so often. I am a work-at-home/stay-at-home mom and sometimes I feel all that is a little bit too much. Life can get pretty hectic when you are trying to run your own business, take care of the entire household, and help your kids with schoolwork/homework. I usually take a day off every so often, otherwise I think I’d go nuts pretty quick. (By the way, I am a new follower and I love your blog).
I am so glad you are here, thank you for choosing to sign up and spend time with us. I look forward to getting to know you…
So wise, my friend. I am just beginning to learn to read my body’s cues–and to slow down accordingly. Case in point: I am just now getting to this post. 😉 I am glad to see from the comments that you are feeling better now. Blessings to you today!