There Are Good People Here Who Need Hope
Our town is broken. Maybe you know one like it, or live in one yourself.
Maybe you know one like it, or live in one yourself.
Industry that has left the community, retirements lost to corporate greed and mishandling, weary or corrupt local government, buildings left to rot and fall into themselves.
But that isn’t all our town is.
We’ve studied Nehemiah this year in my Bible study class. Powerful timing and content, the parallels were generous in their challenge to each of us.
I want to share some pictures of my community. But while you scroll through, do me a favor and listen to this song by Scott Cunningham Band, There May Be Tears.
Compelled to see this city through God’s eyes and through the eyes of the people who lived in the rubble, I took my camera and got into the car. I prayed that God would direct my drive, and show me, really show me what we needed to see in this town. This song played as I searched and snapped.
Nehemiah 2:12-13 I got up during the night and left my house. I took some men with me, without telling anyone what I thought God wanted me to do for the city. The only animal I took was the donkey I rode on. Â I went through Valley Gate on the west, then south past Dragon Spring, before coming to Garbage Gate. As I rode along, I took a good look at the crumbled walls of the city and the gates that had been torn down and burned.
The first part, the hardest part, of change is to understand what you are up against
This applies to all aspects of our lives! I wanted to take a good look and inspect the rubble.
In this case, it felt necessary to document poverty and brokenness. How can we achieve a heart for change, if we don’t understand the pain of our people?
 Look closely though, there is hope springing up all around. Always hope.Â
It might be subtle, almost imperceptible, but it is there.
“There are good people longing for hope in the city of AÂ … We need people who have a heartfelt desire to see A succeed. It affects and infects people to much greater things than others thought possible.
Start with prayer. For the city, the leadership, the police department. We need to be protected with prayer--C.F., local law enforcement officer, Detective and SWAT team member.
He is encouraged by Isaiah 43–“I, the Lord, created you and formed your nation.  Israel, don’t be afraid.   I have rescued you.  have called you by name;  now you belong to me.  When you cross deep rivers, I will be with you,  and you won’t drown. When you walk through fire,  you won’t be burned or scorched by the flames.”
Is hope a need?
“I’ve placed a value on something I believe in. I don’t care what I see in this community. I believe in what God said about it .
I have a higher reality. I see opportunity, not vacant buildings. The Bible says to ACT on what we read. Look, if we pray for this city, we can see the same thing happen for THIS city. Hope is people willing to invest.
You don’t know the position you hold, we are in an army, we can’t do it unless we work collectively”—J.W. local newspaper columnist, Architect and radio show host who has never-ending hope for the city of A
“I have a deep passion in the idea of impossible tasks. When you start with something bigger than yourself, you lean on someone bigger than yourself. After a lifetime of service, God was preparing Nehemiah for that moment…
Being inventive comes from God. Allow the Lord to use YOUR story in a direction that brings change”–P.B. Inventor, Visionary and local Innovation Team member
This wreath, on the front door of this home, represents defiant hope to me. If you saw the street it was on, and  directly across from an abandoned imploding structure?
They are choosing hope.
So now what…what do we want to say?
My children, don’t  worry take my hand
I’m taking you down this road that you don’t understand…yet
There may be tears while your waiting for these answers,
You only see the picture I can see the future
I can tell you right now, its gonna be alright
There may be tears – Scott Cunningham Band
Resources to encourage
A Field Guide for Genuine Community: 25 Days & 101 Ways to Move from Façade to Family
The Art of Community: Seven Principles for Belonging
50 Practical Ways You Can Help the Homeless
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