A Pile Of Old Jeans Becomes A Child’s Sole Hope
A Pile Of Old Jeans Becomes A Child’s Sole Hope
“I could do something to help or I could call it someone else’s problem”-– Asher Collie, Sole Hope
My children have several pairs of shoes in their closet. Jeans sit crumpled on their floor and hanging in their closet.
There hasn’t been a day in their lives, even in our leanest years, that they have gone without the simple protection of bodily protection.
What we consider basic essentials.
When I first read about Dru and Asher Collie’s story, it touched my heart. And then it lingered there until I finally decided to make a difference. Just a small, easy change for someone’s life across the oceans.
Asher tells the story about coming across a Youtube video showing African children suffering terrible loss and pain from a common jigger. A tiny flea that can cause loss of life and limb.
They embed themselves into bare feet. Colossal numbers of these children have never known a pair of shoes. The simplest form of protection.
We don’t have to sit and wonder how to make a difference in the world around us.
To feel helpless and frustrated with our inability to help.
So many organizations have worked with their whole hearts and lives  (The Collies sold their American life and took their kids to live in Uganda!) to enable us to partner with them, with such minimal effort.
Have a Sole Hope party
I ordered a pattern kit and hosted a get together with friends to create patterns for shoes from old blue jeans. The kit came with everything needed to make the evening fun and easy.
Our small group joined us in spending a few hours tracing and cutting, until 11 patterns were complete.
It was so sweet to watch the children understand the perspective of a young person their age across the oceans who has so little. A treasure to watch every father diligently cut out pattern pieces, one small shape at a time as the piles grew.
Not only do the children benefit from this outreach, but Sole Hope hires many women who have no safe way to support their families.
By learning the trade of sewing the shoes, they too are offered a fresh hope.
Sole Hope reminds us to be grateful
In this season of being thankful, it was a perfect opportunity to stop and give pause to our comforts and health. If you are interested in having a party too, check out this link for more information.
Our hearts were moved. And I am betting we all hugged our children extra tight that night as we whispered prayers of gratitude.
Not just for our children, but for the humbling chance to offer a small gift that will have a comforting impact on a smiling face of a child.
Have you ever considered a get together with friends that focuses on meeting a need? What sorts of ideas do you have?
after you cut out the denim, where do you send it?
Love this! What a great reason to gather our friends. Blessings, Misty #momentsofhope
Misty, it was so humbling and encouraging to work on alongside friends. The simple act of cutting, and knowing a life would be impacted? Truly worth it