A split second saved our lives
A split second saved our lives
35,000 + lives are claimed each year from automobile accidents (iihs.org). This week, a crash could have claimed two more.
My mom and I were involved in a terrible car accident two days ago.
The power of a second
I waited at a stop sign for an opening to make a left onto a busy street. An oncoming car swerved towards the curb, and what happened next literally lasted seconds, but changed our lives forever.
It was as though I could see a film of what was happening. My brain plays it in slo-mo, incredulous. It is traumatizing.
The Accident
The oncoming car’s right front tire drove up on the curb, and he sheered THROUGH the electrical pole!
In that second, as the wires fell, I stepped on the gas and tried to avoid the impact of his car. To escape.
That tiny module of time, I believe, saved our lives.
He would have likely hit me directly in the side of my door at a high rate of speed.
In cases where the researchers attributed the critical reason to the driver, about 41 percent of the critical reasons were recognition errors (inattention, internal and external distractions, inadequate surveillance, etc.). In addition, about 34 percent of the critical reasons attributed to the driver were decision errors (driving aggressively, driving too fast, etc.) and 10 percent were performance errors (overcompensation, improper directional control, etc.) —NHTSA

The Fallout of a car accident
His car flipped over, and wonderful people passing by pulled him out to safety, as we all awaited the emergency crews.
Stunned, I was helped out of my car, under the airbags.
We spent the evening in the ER, 7 1/2 hours, to get checked out. My blood pressure was a dangerous 193/132. I won’t post the pictures, but the bruising was terrible. And we didn’t know it yet, but severe shoulder and neck damage would follow.
Bruised and battered, but…alive. So alive, and filled with awe and gratitude.
Still, gratitude doesn’t erase the mental reminders that keep popping into our heads. The sounds, the feel of impact, the fear of seeing this play out.
Now begins the process of getting myself and the car home.
Thank you so much for the prayers and messages from those who have heard of our accident. It seemed easier to send this quick post out, as I am unable to respond individually yet.
We appreciate them, and ask for continued prayers for healing. For the claims to be properly taken care of.
This close up, you can see the MISSING pole, which shows the impact that would have hit us directly in my door.
Precautions aren’t cliches
Please, wear your seatbelts. Don’t text and drive, or take your eyes off the road.
A single second without our full attention on the road, can alter a life forever.
Driving defensively isn’t just a cliche, it is taking seriously the honor of driving.
P.S. 2 1/2 years after the accident, we still live with significant daily reminders of suffering. Even though my car had much less damage, not so for the body. Every second matters when we are behind a wheel.
Let’s work together to pay attention to the road, not our phones or any other distraction (and have insurance, he didn’t). Lives are at risk, thank you!
Oh my goodness! Praying for you in the aftermath. Thankful for the hedge of protection that was surrounding you.
Thanks friend, so grateful.
I was so glad to know you made it through. That blood pressure is astronomical! (I could understand why it shot up though!)
Hope everything will work out well in the aftermath, and the other driver will learn from this. I’ve heard, sadly, that unless a person understands he/she was responsible for what happened, and doesn’t make excuses, he/she will continue their same behavior. (In other words, some people don’t learn from their mistakes.
Praying you and your mom will heal fast, emotionally as well.
Thank you sweet Eva, I still have yet to see a police report. I hope it was something like a true moment of sun in his eyes or something, instead of texting