Adventures with friends- The Little Wiener (Dog) That Could

Adventures with friends- The Little Wiener (Dog) That Could

Adventures with friends- The Little Wiener (Dog) That Could

I am not a dog person, really. But one hot day in October, my friend Kymberly, her sons, and I became dog wranglers.

You’ll have to imagine the scenario first to get the whole story…

The neighborhood we were in was sort of a self-contained housing community, with lots of paths and houses close together. The streets crisscrossed (seemingly endlessly) so it was a location that didn’t lend itself well to our plight.

We noticed a young boy with a leash frantically following his dog. Super weenie must have been his nickname, because we saw the back of him flying down the street.

We couldn’t leave him like that so we decided to follow the dog and try and catch him in the car. Especially since Kymberly is one of the most tender-hearted women I know ♥.

The boys spent their pursuit on the ground, running.

I had her stop several times while I jumped out to chase, but he was SO fast. Up and down the streets we watched him outrace us. The kids. The little stranger boy.

an empty alley with dog poop

One time, he stopped to poop (Ok, I don’t normally do poop stories, but this was necessary). I hopped out and before I got to the front of the car he just kept doing his business and running!

As we circled the streets, we kept passing this FREE table set. After discussing how well it’d work in her yard, we passed it (again) and stopped to try and make it fit in her car.

We had lost sight of the dog.  At this time we’d snagged a son and had him help hide the rest behind a tree so she could come back.

Sometimes you meet a person and you just click—you’re comfortable with them, like you’ve known them your whole life, and you don’t have to pretend to be anyone or anything. –Unknown

table set at garage sale

carrying chairs through orange groves

Chasing down the lost dog

If you could have heard our laughter! Not the afternoon ending we’d anticipated.

After endless chasing on the streets, we saw him book it into the orange groves surrounding the neighborhood. On the other side? VERY busy streets with fast cars.

We all began an earnest foot pursuit. Occasionally we passed the stranger boy, and at this time we’d lost our boys too!

We all began an earnest foot pursuit. Occasionally we passed the stranger boy, and at this time we’d lost our boys too!

lady and sons found their dog

A runaway dog, two lost boys, one sad little owner, and two middle-aged women.

At this point, a new man left his car and joined the pursuit at a high speed. He finally threw himself to the ground to catch this pooch, and the dog bit him!

a run away weiner dog

He came back and handed the dog to Kymberly so we could find the boy and return the escapee. No sooner than we get him in the car, he pees on her seat!

No gratitude, none.

The little wiener (dog) that could

We found the right house number and took him to the door, returning him to an uninterested, unconcerned and ungrateful older brother.

We were hot, sweaty, and tired, but so glad to have helped. We had some major laugh attacks thinking of all the titles for this story. We settled on the Little Wiener That Could, because of his sheer determination to run free.

returning a lost dog to his doorstep

Today I received a package in the mail. I immediately started chuckling because it was clear who sent it.

In fact, it was her son that spotted them in a store and said “Mom, you need to get these for your friend who helped with that dog”.

christmas weiner dog socks

The disappearing dachshund

This day reminded me of another wiener dog chase. On my wedding day, everyone had left for the church except my Aunt Kathy. She was putting the finishing touches on the food, and prepared to leave.

That is when our family dog, Murphy, decided to scale our backyard fence.

If memory serves me, they were about 8 feet tall and covered with ivy. He CLIMBED that and took off running down our street.

It was sweltering that day. Kathy had to run off, in her wedding clothes, trying to catch this runaway dachshund.

It was nearly 100 degrees outside. She didn’t know what to do and didn’t want to be late for the wedding, so she had no choice but to pursue him.

The little wiener (dog) that could

If you ask her about it today, she’ll still clench her fists a little 🙂

When a wiener dog has a mission in mind, freedom will prevail. Be warned…


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    1. It was a funny story in the making. We laughed so hard (and I am definitely not even a dog person!) Miss you lady

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