Defeating imposter syndrome

Am I a writer yet? Defeating imposter syndrome

2 decades ago, my Grandma called and shared a story I’d written long before. She had saved it and asked me to start writing. For her.

I wouldn’t perhaps have given it much thought, if the very next day The Ad had not appeared. A full-page spread advertising an online writing course.  

Christian Writers Guild, in big bold letters, inviting me to join a two-year mentorship program.

Despite having two very young children and a wavering desire to write at all, I signed up. Immediately.

And I thought, Am I a writer yet?

Fast forward 4 years, I finally completed the two-year course. So much had been learned! There were strong improvements in the writing skill, and a now strong desire to be A Writer.

Tiny successes built my confidence as my Certificate of Completion hung framed above my desk. And I thought, Am I a writer yet?

How do you fix imposter syndrome?

Life ran ahead of me at full steam, while I felt like a balloon that had escaped a child’s slick grasp. My string only barely caught on an edge that kept me from floating away.

Challenge and Joy were bedfellows in my daily life.

So I began to write about them. Tiny successes turned into the humble beginnings of confidence. I had several articles published, yet without pay, so I still was unsure. (Read Writer’s Edit here about imposter syndrome)

And I thought, Am I a writer yet?

You are a writer if you write!

Always learning, always growing, I took a leap of faith and ordered business cards. I shyly wrote Freelance Writer under my name, hoping no one would call me out on it at my first writing conference.

My mindset began to shift.

There is was, in black ink, proclaiming that I was in fact (because I said so) a real true writer. Though when people asked about it, when they said “Oh, you are a writer? Have you written a book? What magazine would I have seen you in?”

I reverted back to Aspiring Writer. It felt safe.

But I had published articles, I reminded myself, whether in major publications or not. I had been told how special the words were. I was starting to trust that I had something to say.

And I thought, Am I a writer yet?

Thoughts on imposter syndrome

I began this blog without a thought to being a writer at all. It was something new and fun to do. I’d moved over 2,500 miles away from my life and family. It was only meant to be an occasional update.

But something magical happened.

The last four years taught me there was more to a blog than being a zillionth person babbling.

I grew in skill and focus. The desire to give the best I had launched me into a new direction last year.

In January 2012 I decided to ditch Aspiring and become what I wanted to be.

And I thought, Am I a writer yet? And finally…yes.

I have always been a writer. If words come out, anyone can be a writer.

To become a good writer, like any other discipline, practice is mandatory. Blogging became my target practice. Until last year, I’d had zero desire to be a “blogger”.

I detest that term.

My words help create experiences. Moments of longing, reflection, laughter, challenge. I know this because people contact me and share their experiences.

That is writing. it is a humbling gift to be a wordsmith.

Writers are not imposters

I am a writer.  We all who pen words.

Who doesn’t want to wait 6-12 months to never hear back from publications.

I take a chance every week, giving you the best I have. And it is rewarding.

It captures and describes and brings into focus what I know. What I dream. What I wish for and who I want to become. It tells me a story, a good one.

A story of a happy girl who had a few challenges. A young woman who laughed and worried her way through her 20’s.

A maturing woman who learned who she was in her 30’s through careful consideration, mistakes, triumphs. A story of a woman in her 40’s who sincerely loves her life.

She is grateful, she is changing all the time, and she is me.

I am a writer.


UPDATE: This was written a decade ago (so hard to believe!) and I encourage you to keep going! You will grow, your style will change (mine sure has), and in the end you will have a treasured journal of you “becoming” a writer.

If you write, you ARE a writer. Define it for yourself and don’t be afraid ♥ Your words matter and no one can tell a story from your perspective except you. Keep learning and being open to new ideas…

Resources for writers

I am over the moon that I jumped in, because I learned more in 8 weeks than in the 10 years prior in regards to the nuts and bolts behind the scenes of writing material that can encourage and inspire others in a way that they can FIND it. SEO wasn’t a thing back in the day.

I can’t say enough about the information packed into this course and the VALUE of what it held for me, and for many people I know who fel the same renewed confidence after taking it!

It would be great for beginners who can do things “right” from the outset. (It opens again in January 2022, bookmark this and write it on your calendar!)

But also, for people like me who are long-term invested and need to update our skillset!

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I do/would use myself. This post may contain affiliate links that at NO additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission to help support this blog. Read full privacy policy here.

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  1. Yes you are a writer! And an amazing photographer and creative too. Amazing what you could accomplish in just a few short years, I can only imagine how far you will go!

  2. A writer you are! And a very good as well!! Excellent post! I can so relate! I felt the same way about calling myself a writer & blogging before jumping in! Literally has changed our lives, don’t you think?
    I hope you win! And I love your picture with the old typewriter!! Very cool!

  3. There is NO doubt that God has made you a writer. You are a wonderful one, and have such a talent at being open and honest and fun in your writings. You are a writer with the ability to write about many things, and that is a gift.

  4. Christa,

    Great post. And I loved following your story from the first time you questioned if you were a writer. It’s fun to read about everyone’s story in this, don’t you think?

  5. Christa, I love how your blog looks and the picture of you sitting typing in-between the autumn landscape. Where is the coffee or glass of mulled wine?
    A are a writer.
    Mojito and Me

  6. Beautiful, Christa! Was it really so long ago that you showed me what you were beginning with the Christian Writer’s Guild? I remember being so excited for you, and a bit envious as well. I knew it was not my time, but for you… I have seen the growth in your written expression and am overjoyed to see you embrace what you so obviously are meant to do—be a writer. Thank you for sharing your gifts. <3

  7. YES, you are a WRITER! Always have been. Didn’t I see it when you were sixteen???? You’ve worked hard, found your own path, not mimicking anyone else’s, learning from the lows and sharing the highs as well…staying the course, in your own unique style. Your title, One Word At A Time, says it all. I’m very proud of you.

  8. You are a fabulous writer, and I am glad to call you friend! Our stories are different, but a journey towards the same dream! I am glad I can journey with you my friend.

    Thanks for sharing your journey! Even though I have not known you for long I believe I will know you for many years to come! 🙂

  9. Christa,

    I really love this post. I could have written a similar one in that I had/have the same struggle. It has taken me about 7 years to call myself a writer, and I’m still a little unsure when I say it! So kudos to you for figuring it out a whole lot sooner.

  10. I LOVE this post. You are a writer, Christa. I can relate to almost every word you wrote here. Funny, my mom recently gave me something she had saved. It was an autobiography I had written and decorated with wall paper. 1970’s wall paper. It was not a very long read considering I was only about 10. Thanks for the “writer boost” you’ve given me here. I am also about 3000 miles away from my old normal and am trying to find the nerve to really dive into who I am (besides a mom and military wife). A writer. Just like you. Blessings to you!

    1. Karin, that is awesome! I know some 70’s wallpaper. My mom worked hard to get Holly Hobby to stay up, but alas textured walls. Very cool. I won’t give up if you won’t…

  11. Pingback: Who Am I?

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