Awake in the night- What God Tells Me In The Dark

Awake in the night- What God Tells Me In The Dark

In the dark nights, I listen. Sitting in my chair, cuddled under a blanket, I am poised under the soft lamplight. The house is quiet, my family slumbers or sings. Safely.

And I am thankful.

This attitude allows reflection on a much deeper level, than running through the day.

Every sound gives a reason to celebrate.

The squeak of a bunk bed as Oldest rolls over and pulls her blanket up, cuddling into her favorite spot. The Youngest sings softly in her room strumming her Ukulele. My Sweetie’s face is peaceful, sleeping off another long day at work.

The dishwasher swishes and the old fridge clicks on and off.  Snow chunks fall off our roof with loud thumps and the wind howls through our siding. These are the sounds of my peaceful hour.

Matthew 10:27 Jesus says-“What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs”

The dark and the soft soundtrack of my late night life invite me into a place of stillness.

And I listen.

How I feel His presence at night

He speaks to me in the dark, whispers things previously unknown and I burst with delight at this friendship.

He speaks to me in the dark, reminding me of the ways I blew it, and reminds me that I am still loved and I see clearly how to fix things.

He speaks to me at night, giving me messages of hope and challenge and reflection for others. Piecing together life experiences with His wisdom, and makes sense of the jumbled things in my brain.

 Matthew 10:27 quotes

As the darkness fades

And in the daylight? When the sun rises?

I will speak what was whispered in my ear; proclaiming that this life is amazing. That there is beauty in the ashes. That community is vital and that looking closer is the only way to see what is surrounding us.

I listen. I speak.

Sometimes I get it wrong. But I keep listening, straining my ears to hear the message. And I’ll keep trying.

Because in the dark, He speaks to me. I want to hear…

What type of environment creates a time of reflection for you?


Resources to encourage you:

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  1. Beautiful, Christa! Words and images that ring a bell in the soul and ispire to be still and open to the wonder of self, life, nature, and God!

    Like Anastacia, early mornings have been inspirational and full of wonder and connections for me for many years. I miss them lately, as I don’t have the opportunity to be alone very long. A blessing in itself to be surrounded by those I love, for which I am both grateful and weary, no matter how much I pay attention and stay in the moment.

    1. You are in a unique season Katina! No doubt there, how wise you are to accept the things that come with it and look around the best you can anyway. Bless you friend

  2. Christa, I forgot to say that evenings and nights, and any other moments of the day, all are conducive to connecting both to self and the Universe as long as I can escape from the mandane for even short spans of time. I have recorded such beautiful occasions in my book…It’s just that I miss those connections lately.

    This does not mean that I do not call out to God and do not hear his wispers that so many times have given me answers and helped my family stay afloat.

  3. A well written piece Christa I was right there with you in the softest hour of your night. So precious and we must give gratitude for these perfect moments. Beautiful images.

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