Becoming a Proverbs 31 woman of influence- a fresh perspective
Becoming a Proverbs 31 woman of influence- a fresh perspective
With “influence” being such a buzzword, have you considered the very real impact that is happening closer to home- YOU are a woman of influence…in significant ways!
History abounds with stories of women of influence. Culture warriors, advocates for change, and courageous in the face of trial.
They are impressive, however, there are other lesser-celebrated women who wield enormous amounts of influence every day in their worlds.
Yet, it is true.
You were created to impact the world. Our worlds, the ones right in front of us every day, need our guidance. Our offerings. Our steadfastness.
9 characteristics of a Proverbs 31 woman you might not expect
Our everyday words and actions are where the power begins. When I was a young Christian, I was introduced to a Biblical example in Proverbs 31 of what a woman of excellence could emulate.
It is interesting that we often view the P31 “woman” with fear and comparison. That isn’t God’s intention in those pages… at all.
Here is a different view of how I see the power of the P31 woman… a powerful model for an influential woman! Before you think that imperfect women need to apply, kick that thought to the curb. We are ALL very human and imperfect. (I should know! Read this for a story about a really bad day)
That doesn’t mean all of our best qualities are a wash!
- A woman’s hands offer love- the power of touch is immeasurable. Our hugs can be a comfort
- A woman’s heart offers sanctuary- people are safe in our homes and our presence, from gossip, judgment, and a critical spirit. Our hearts can be a refuge
- A woman’s courage is legendary– gentleness is set aside when we see injustice. Our hearts release warriors when challenge approaches
- A woman’s intellect challenges- we continue to grow and learn, curious about the world around us. Our brains help us learn and challenge others to join
- A woman’s tenacity is fierce- once our mind is set, there is little to hinder our efforts to affect change. Our determination helps others follow our example and blossom
- A woman’s tenderness offers – the world needs a safe place to be vulnerable. Our softness is a gift
- A woman’s passion sets an example- the people in your sphere of influence are excited to see what drives you, and it is ok if they don’t share that spark. Our passion still inspires others to seek what their unique gift is
- A woman’s love offers security- our loyalty to our people is steadfast. Our love can show Jesus
- A woman’s generosity brings hope– we often understand the emotional side of need from experience. Our offerings remind people that someone cares
Becoming a woman of influence
Wonder who the most influential woman is? Ask the people in your world. It isn’t a random figure from history, it is the one who shows up for them personally.
Your philosophy regarding matters of influence, greatly determines the outcome of your intentions.
Minimizing the power of our words, actions or beliefs reduces their potential.
Understanding and embracing the posture of a woman’s responsibility that comes with influence is impressive!
Influence- to lead or direct
Today you might be drowning in house chores, held a crying baby for what seemed like 19 hours straight, or be frustrated in family relations.
The world doesn’t always celebrate the ordinary mundane tasks of living an imperfect life. NONE of us have it together all the time.
Thankfully, that isn’t required.
A prayer to be a woman of wisdom
My friends, you are a woman of influence.
God’s own precious design, with a personalized community of people who need what YOU have to offer. Celebrate your life, and treasure your significance.
Encourage those around you to do the same. Imagine the dynamic change that would follow.
We might never know the ways our lives touched others, but we can know for sure that they did. That they ARE.
You can download a free printable prayer based on Proverbs 31here
Fave current books about living out Proverbs 31
- Becoming A Woman of Influence: Making a Lasting Impact on Others
- One Woman Can Change the World: Reclaiming Your God-Designed Influence and Impact Right Where You Are
- A Life That Says Welcome
- The Lifegiving Home
- The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? (an oldie but goodie)
- Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life
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