Becoming Who You Are Meant To Be- Part Three

Becoming Who You Are Meant To Be Part 3

(**Before you read today’s final installment, please see Part One, and Part Two)

This year is about  Becoming Brave.

Stepping into fear and claiming my creative self. It is funny how God works, whether we think we are ready, or not.  For example, my heart has been nudged by a call to speak to groups of people.

As in, standing in front and speaking.

I speak fine on paper, but in public? That is so far out of my comfort zone!

Becoming Who You Are Meant To Be Part 3

 But, the very day after I published that post about becoming brave? A friend emailed me. Asking me to come join a panel of guests speaking to a group at her church. The next day people.

Brave isn’t easy. In my mind I said, the HECK NO, but I typed back and said YES, even though the idea terrified me.

That is how I am going to live this year. Whether I feel ready or not, if God presents, I will say yes.

That speaking invite? It was just as terrifying as I thought it would be. And I would do it again in a heartbeat. You know why?

Because when we live in fear we only imagine the terrible “might be’s”. The reality? It was awesome. I could look around the room and see the eyes connecting with my words. My story.

It was POWERFUL. That’s how God is you know, I think He likes to nudge us out of our safe little nests where we might grow stagnant and open our eyes.

The fresh air of a new journey tickles our face and delights our senses.

Becoming Who You Are Meant To Be Part 3

How do you become the person you were meant to be?

As my kid’s progress in years, I am preparing for round two. The 2nd half. Finding my creative voice, recognizing the areas I am designed to lead, and embracing where I am called to serve.

In life, we always have the choice to look deeper, in becoming brave. Even in those thorns of struggle last year, I am practiced enough now to look closer.

Here is what I ask you today…Are you feeling stuck in the thorns today? Look closer. Where is the beauty?

I think it’s there, maybe the place we least expect it.  For me, that is how my story wraps up. In a place, I didn’t expect it.

A letter came in the mail from across many lands, thousands of miles away. Addressed to me. In it, from the last person I would have expected to hear them from, were the words that healed my heart.

Words that only God could have known I needed to hear.

That broken piece of the girl in part one? It came mended and tucked lovingly into an envelope.

Becoming Who You Are Meant To Be Part 3

Train your eyes to see your becoming

A longtime friend told me I was the bravest person she knew. This friend who saw my whining and lack of trust and pain. Brave? Me?

Yep. And me sharing this story proves that I am walking down that path. I said yes when I wanted to run. Because it really isn’t about me. Or you.

God’s plans? Oh, friends, they are exciting. Your dreams and God’s will are powerful in tandem. I am here to stop trying to be perfect and to encourage you to join me. Get off the commitment train and breathe, turn circles in the margin with your arms spread wide and laugh with the freedom.

Your dreams and God’s will are powerful in tandem. I am here to stop trying to be perfect and to encourage you to join me. Get off the commitment train and breathe, turn circles in the margin with your arms spread wide and laugh with the freedom.

15 years ago I tucked away the phrase “embrace life”, and I do. I am free. And I want that for you.

Join me, be brave, look closer and really live. Listen to God’s plan for you and start living it. To say, “Let go of the broken pieces and start walking towards the One who sees you” .

Finally. You are enough, you are God’s child. Turns out, I was a princess all along.


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  1. Christa,
    I SO enjoy reading your blog! Thanks for being transparent and sharing your life…struggles and triumphs. Proud of you! You truly are a blessing to many! Keep moving forward! 🙂

    1. Kelli, I SO appreciate you spending your precious few minutes with me to read them. Really, I am grateful for the encouragement. Especially after several people unsubscribed this week, my writer’s frailty almost won out. Bless you

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