California Dreaming-The Foothills
California Dreaming-The Foothills and Valleys
You’re all waiting for the beach pictures. C’mon, admit it. :).
It is the number one thing I get asked about by people who have not been to the West Coast.
Patience, I’m almost there.
California is an amazing state with vastly different regions. The most recent census estimates the population near 40 million residents. They all call a different sort of place home.
Everyone knows about the Pacific ocean and the vineyards and the Redwood forests. Far fewer know how vast the stretches of high desert reach. How hot Death Valley really is, or how many miles are devoted to arid agricultural regions.
About 3 million of those residents live in the county just below this waterline. The reservoir waterline that is. Just out of site, the road drops into the highly populated areas of the city.
There are beautiful parks and landscaped areas. Something can be found to do any day of the week, and the food here must be the most diverse in the country.
As amazing as that can be, there are some not so pretty things. Drought requires a water reserve to be constantly in demand. The dry land is at risk for wildfires that blaze through the hills and forests.
The parched and burned land can then, sadly, be the cause of severe landslides when rain does come. Mountains of mud cascades down and takes out anything in it’s path.
Crime lives in California too. Graffiti marks the areas unlike any other place I’ve lived. And earthquakes? They get old. Smog and traffic and racial divide. They too reside heavily in the streets.
These places and problems and praises all live side by side. California, like anywhere else, has more than one reality.
That is part of my story too. We LOVE to come visit, this state is very near and dear to my heart.
It is my heart home. There is nowhere I drive here, that doesn’t reinforce the moments that defined me.
Yet, we left. For many reasons
And as much as we love it here, we live in a completely different kind of place now. Like California, it has wonderful features we are delighted with. There are also things we really, truly can scarcely stand.
That is the honest truth.
What strikes me as I share these pictures and thoughts with you, is that we can be in the same place and find the world is different on either side of us.
One side of our road is lush and beautiful and the sun shines brightly. Those are the good days of our life.
Just across the street, are the barren hills we keep climbing over. Parched and weary. Those are the hard days of life.
But they both are part of the same place. Our roads. Our journey.
See these pictures? Same street, taken seconds apart today. Two different views held within my site by simply turning around.
These very hills whisper to me.
Reminding me of how many miles I’ve traveled. On both the dusty paths, by scarred foot. On the green hills, enjoying the scenery as I skipped along.
Please, don’t forget to look across the street. See the things that “are” and if you don’t like them, look around until you find the treasures waiting to be noticed.
Same street, different perspective.
When I go home, I will look at my frozen and barren yard and celebrate what isn’t yet seen. Because the beauty of life is best appreciated by stepping back, I think, and getting a broader view of the larger landscape.
Tell me your thoughts in the comment. It is always a privilege to hear YOUR story…
Would you like to catch the rest of the California Dreaming series? Click the links below:
Why I was here:
Thank you for all these beautiful pictures