College Prep Genius Review
College Prep Genius Review
Before we even began high school, we heard nervous conversations about the dreaded SAT (insert creepy music). Clearly, it strikes fear into the heart of many.
However, I am truly relieved to have found an awesome program to put those fears to rest.
College Prep Genius: The No Brainer Way To SAT Success is a three-part program designed by Jean Burk.
Within the first few pages, it becomes clear that the author is dedicated to helping kids prepare for the SAT.
She has a sincere desire to help students get do well, and win scholarships. With commitment from us to work at it, she breaks it down into manageable steps.
It doesn’t have to be a mystery, the SAT. It is just a test. Granted, it is an important one, but with preparation, the student can know what to expect and how to succeed to the best of their abilities.
Here is what you get in the program:
- College Prep Genius Textbook– There is a solid, lengthy section on introducing the SAT, and then each section is covered in detail. It includes working toward scholarships, definitely a bonus.
- College Prep Genius DVD– The author goes through 12 lessons that correspond with the information in the book. It is designed to be used for personal, classrooms of any kind, and homeschool co-ops.
- College Prep Genius Workbook
*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself. This post may contain affiliate links that at NO additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission to help support this blog. Read full privacy policy here.
Build SAT confidence for your teen
My daughter was pleasantly surprised at how the program was laid out and is able to use it on her own. When I give occasional reviews, if the product is not good, I’ll let you know the truth. This is a top-notch product.
My teen no longer fears the SAT, she sees there are logical patterns and will be more confident to approach the test later this year.
Check out her site for additional helpful info. Don’t let fear of the future (and college admissions) scare you, mama. Your kiddos will find the right path that is just perfect for them.
College isn’t the only option, in fact, one of my girls has NO interest! She has a more practical plan and that is ok too. But if you are looking for a program, I would recommend this one!
P.S. If you are just thinking about how to start homeschooling, read this post.
I have tons of encouragement to help you through the journey based on real-life challenges and successes!