20 thoughtful ideas to embrace the life you already have

20 thoughtful ideas to embrace the life you already have


You want to be “happy”, right? To love the life you already have?

But what does that really mean? Bookstore shelves are lined with hundreds of offerings to help you figure out your life. The internet can give 10 easy ways to do just about anything. Seminars and workshops tackle every issue imaginable.

We all want the same thing though. Simple ideas that help us embrace the beauty of an imperfect life.

Let’s create a simplified definition of what we’re searching for- Happiness is a fulfilling life that is meaningful and brings contentment.

I am one of those people who had to learn everything the hard way.

Things are different now, in my 50’s. The beauty of aging is the wealth of knowledge and experience to draw from. It is a wonderful, freeing gift.

It doesn’t mean life is easy, or that I am automatically happy.

What it does mean is that I put less stock into outer influences  (you can too!), and instead think about what I’ve learned from actual experience. These are some of my ingredients for a happier life. They are the foundations that influence my days.

I pray these will help you too. Let’s call it a Happiness Refresh…


contentment quotes


Loving the life you already have

Join me in refusing to settle for a life without contentment and joy.

This Happiness Refresh isn’t a flippant nod to a “feeling” but a powerful investment in YOU! To help you build a foundation of confidence and joy.

Let’s jump in and begin to challenge our perspectives on how to find true joy in our lives. These quick little “thoughts” that will change the way we think about our ordinary days.

Gather a pen and notebook, and allow yourself time to reflect on each concept fully.  How will each reflection challenge you, in the season you find yourself today?

These are purposefully brief- because they are designed to be thought prompts instead of  “rules”.

Some will be harder than others.

That is more than ok! A journey is not completed in a single step. Allow yourself room to consider these ideas with as much time as they need…


How do you fully embrace your life?

 Don’t self-criticize– There are plenty of people out there who want to cut us down. Don’t assist them. Make it your mission to tackle every negative thought about yourself with a truth from God’s word. If you don’t know good things about yourself, humbly ask a trusted confidante. Don’t berate your body, your gifts, or your weaknesses. We all have issues, but beating yourself up steals precious life

Find today’s gift– Every single day has one. Don’t go to bed without a sense of gratitude. No matter how small, search it out. And if you are blessed with a family? Jeesh, gifts abound. Appreciate them

Don’t expect perfection in others– It is the surest way to live with constant disappointment. It is hard enough to expect perfection in ourselves, and it is downright damaging to expect in others

Let go when it’s time– This has been one of the hardest lessons I ever learned. Life is full of seasons. And like in nature, seasons change. Sometimes friendships, jobs, where we live…even if they were good “in season” when the winds shift, let them go. Remember them with a smile, gratitude. But let go. There are more good things in store for you

Remember, some of these will require real time to think about and allow for heart change. Don’t be hard on yourself if they take a bit of additional effort. It will be worth it!

Be transparent, vulnerable– Imagine a world where people could feel safe, to be honest about where they are in life. To feel comfortable letting down their guard. The way to build a sincere relationship with people is to be vulnerable. That is where freedom lies

Look for the best in people– Sometimes people really are doing the best they can. Focus on what is good about them and try to give the benefit of the doubt more often

Don’t discount your feelings or allow others to either- People might tell you your feelings are invalid, over-exaggerated, or countless other adjectives. Allow yourself to feel what is. Perspective is our own reality. Have compassion towards other’s feelings as well

Don’t stew on things, move on– Have the feelings, but then move past them. Replaying offenses or negative situations in your mind over and over gets us nowhere. Dwelling is emotional quicksand


happiness quotes


Play Having fun is a gift! Loosen up and choose to run, feel the wind in your face, create art, whatever gives your spirit life. Playing is imperative to finding joy

Take steps towards goals. Celebrate the journey, because the big picture misses the snapshots

Seek God He promises if we draw near to Him, he will draw near to us. There is no greater lesson for a happy life

Don’t present life as perfect– People see right through that. Showboating only makes others feel lesser about themselves. We need to be able to relate to each other. That requires transparency


Lessons from a life lived with intention

The next few tips contain one of my favorite life lessons thus far! Remembering that today is always a new day. Yesterday doesn’t have the power to continue to tell us who we are, or what we are about! We can change things for the better…

Laugh– Life can be unbearably serious. Difficult. Science proves laughter really is great medicine. Find what makes you laugh and do it as often as you can

Yesterday doesn’t define us – Whatever we did yesterday, last year, or a decade ago doesn’t get to choose who are tomorrow. You are made for more. Own it

Rest– Do it more. A peaceful life depends on it

Stop doing things you know are bad for you– A no-brainer, but seriously about the hardest to implement. Work with all of our energy to fight against self-destruction


the life you already have quotes


Choose honest living, authenticity– Surround yourself with it to the best of your ability. Pick people that exhibit that in their own life for friends. There is great freedom in being real and experiencing a community of like-minded people

Love people, not things– Status is a lonely reward. Relationship wins every time. This one is sneaky and requires some hard introspection

Forgiveness means many things– It is ALWAYS the best thing for us, to forgive. That can mean forgiving and letting go… Forgiveness doesn’t have to mean invitation. It means peace for our spirit. Being right with God. Invite Him in, and let the rest go. There is more to this…learn to forgive yourself! We tend to judge harshly when it comes to our choices. If we are the right kind of mom, if we love our spouse well, if we could have handled something better. Life is full of regrets, let them go

Be yourself not an imitation of someone else You are so FLIPPIN AWESOME! You are created to be an amazing and integral part of the world around you. Don’t waste one second comparing yourself, confusing yourself, or conflicting yourself about who you are. We don’t want another copy of _______, we want the best of you. Who you really are.


finding joy quotes


Find joy in the life you have

Let yourself shine and celebrate your unique attributes. Find creative outlets. Give more than you get. Love the Lord. Live fully.

This is not part of a gimmicky movement of living our best life, though that will likely follow. It is about finding delight and healing and being unencumbered with all the baggage we keep trying to drag along. I don’t have it down yet, and you don’t have to either. One step is always a good step, right?

I am so glad you are on this journey with me. I hope to encourage YOU to embrace the beauty in your imperfect life. Where you can pursue joy. Become a contentment warrior. Develop fresh perspectives about ordinary, mundane, and extraordinary moments.

This blog is my virtual couch to have you flop down and join me for some tea, while we talk about the real, fluff-free stuff that makes up our lives! Keep pressing on, I’m here if you need me ♥. Would you like a free downloadable cheat sheet of the 20 tips? Click here for the PDF.

Romans 15:13 -May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.


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