Enjoy the little things | cultivating joy within the realities of life
What does it mean to enjoy the little things?
I searched for examples of major life events, curious if anyone had added up those into a nice neat date package. However, those dominant events pale in comparison to the endless influx of sensory joys. Oft missed in the hurry of life.
Enjoying the small things in life…no, celebrating them…steers my days and guides my story.
It would be impossible to accurately count the ordinary joys that fill our days. What a wonderful position to start from!
What if today you began a list, a real list written out, that gives your senses a place to be noticed?
A simple observation of the tiniest joys builds the foundation of a rich full life.
Enjoy the little things
Stop. Put down the things in your hand and be still. Listen.
What do you hear? I hear distant traffic, a gentle breeze bringing forth song in the windchime, the clicking of my fingers against the keyboard.
What do you see? I see tiny tea roses adorning my workspace, a pastel fabric bunting, and the framed original painting of my blog logo.
What do you taste? I’m enjoying clean water, salty Wheat-thin residue on my lips.
What do you smell? I smell the reminder of rosemary bread that flopped (but still smells wonderful), and cinnamon. That is my favorite signature home scent.
What do you feel? I’m cuddled into a soft pink sweatshirt, and my fingers rest on small plastic squares…some with curious ridges. Not-so-gentle shouts from my aching body to stand up and stretch.
Enjoy the moments
We are rich indeed if we are blessed to hear, to see, to smell, to taste, to touch. These luxuries seem so natural that we take them for granted. Today is a new day, a wonderful day to note the gift of a sensory home.
Start from the center and work out, give attention and reflect on the marvel of these wonders. Does it sound theatrical? Perhaps, but it is true. I have the companion of invisible illness. She understands limitations, and within them, has learned to never take for granted what seems ordinary.
This has proved to be a gift that translates to finding joy in the little things, a practice I pursue every day.
I invite you to become a life enthusiast…it takes practice to find joy in the little things. Some might be naturally gifted in this area, but many of us need help to slow down and embrace observation.
Slow living helps find joy in the ordinary
The world doesn’t naturally praise slow-living. Yet, trust me on this. Going against the flow eliminates comparison.
Stopping to be in awe of the feel of freshly washed linens, on a bed? Being quiet in the yard to hear the chatter of hummingbirds? Turning on warm water for a shower? Having food in our pantry? Clothes for our children? A car to drive?
It truly humbles me.
We reside in an area of middle-class affluence, but live modestly on a one income budget. Complete with debt and student loans and medical bills. It has been a real determination to NOT compare circumstances, because we are rich in what really matters to us.
Being grateful for all these little things? Phew, blows grumbling out of the water and replaces it with contentment. A true gift.

Small things make a big difference
Life has hard times, right? Hard. We live in the real world with real issues. Our senses often first notice smog and traffic and whining and red DUE notes in our mailbox. God is with us, the joy and the suffering.
Pursue the choice to find beauty in the little things, it builds up comforting remembrances for when joy is lean.
Perhaps practicing this choice to be determined to slow our pace and use our senses, gives us a fresh impression of awe at the splendor God created. But we have to want it.
So why focus on the little things this year? You might be in a tough season right now. This habit can help you reestablish your footing in the tiniest, yet sturdiest of ways. For me, this determination to fight to celebrate the most ordinary of moments began as a defiant middle finger to depression.
Celebrating small builds strength
I don’t have it all down, and have to remind myself of this often. We’re walking this journey together, sisters.
Philippians 3:12 “I don’t mean to say I am perfect. I haven’t learned all I should even yet, but I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ saved me for and wants me to be.” (TLB)
We minister to our homes, and this is one tool in our belt to help us minister to ourselves, giving us the strength to do so.
My friends, this quest will bless you. And, it is contagious. Watch how gratitude spreads its reassuring arms around your home. One scene at a time.
The BIG events pass us by, and should be embraced for the joy that they are! Remember too, that savoring the little moments that seem mundane (and much more abundant!) requires no special planning. No financial expense. No time off work. No needing someone to help with the kiddos.
They are yours to treasure. Note them and you’ll likely find refreshment for your spirit. I pray you are overwhelmed with the goodness all around you.
When you need a mental break
Here are a few feel-good shows that have encouraged me to celebrate the little things 🙂 All on YouTube, so free and these are family “safe”