Focus on today for a more joy-full life

Focus on today for a more joy-full life

Focus on today for a more joy-full life

What we see is not always accurate. Our view can be obstructed by the physical. Our ability to focus on today hindered by ideas and feelings.

It’s easy to get caught up in trying to see what is ahead of us. Forward motion and thinking are just naturally part of how we function.

But, that comes at a cost. A steep one.

 We miss beauty when we live in perpetual motion. The compositions of our surroundings. 

Can we learn to ignore the hustle culture?

focus on today quotes

What should I focus on today?

Challenge obstructed mental views. The great things in life, are not always the most obvious.

Look harder, mine those hidden gems of living that give us pause.

May we never assume that the road in front of us holds the entire picture.

Train your eyes to recognize those obstructions and refuse to accept them— that is the intersection, where we select an ordinary or superb life.

 The daily grind vs. jaw-dropping awesomeness. We get to choose. 

Focus with intent today.

Be wise about planning for tomorrow, but don’t miss out on the moments that are making up our life right now. It really is the small things that make up a big life. 

Even years later, I am still impacted by the article  “What if all I want is a simple life?” by Krista from A Life in Progress! Check out her work, you’ll leave encouraged too!

Would you do me a favor? If you enjoy this piece, please share with a friend. Word of mouth means so much! God bless you today, and always as you embrace a simpler life.


Resources to help focus on today:


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