Funny mom texts-AKA texts gone wrong
The time has come to publicly address a personal, ahem, problem.
My texting.
It has come to my attention that everyone I know struggles with my texting.
I really don’t see the problem.
You may find this hard to believe, but countless friends- concerned friends, have taken me aside to let me know I need help. (read more funny mom texts here)
They mock me, saving my texts to show each other (and me) how they get worse instead of improving over the years.
The irony is that I am an excellent speller in real life. I proipjmise.
If only you could see me, struggling to get the words correct. Yelling frustrated modified curse words through the house.
“No, I mean frustrated, not futon. No,not friendship… frustrated. No, FRUSTRATED!”
My kids told me this, so I know it must be true
I seem to have a defect that auto-fills immediately upon pressing the SEND button. The internal flaw and people rave about iPhones.
Upon further review, I just don’t see what the problem is.
This clearly states, “Husband, please pick up my prescription at Walmart on the way home. We can grab you pants.”
Perhaps I am ahead of my time…
If this made you chuckle, how about sharing with a friend? Laughter is good medicine. (if you need a little more, come see how I “learned” that the Heimlich and mouthwash do NOT a good joke make)
Resources to laugh by:
- Damn You, Autocorrect!: Awesomely Embarrassing Text Messages You Didn’t Mean to Send
- Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day: 366 Elevating Utterances to Stretch Your Cranium and Tickle Your Humerus
- Disclosure: I only recommend products I do/would use myself. These affiliate links add NO additional cost to you, and may earn me a tiny commission to help support this blog. Read full privacy policy here.
Really, I thought you just wanted our attention longer, trying to figure it out!
Thank you Christa! I really needed a good laugh today! 🙂
Hilarious, I’m still trying to figure out what flyboy boils could possibly be autocorrected from. Your phone has a wild imagination.
My phone has that autocorrect mechanism on it as well, and it’s very annoying! My husband is often confused by my texts, but none of them have been as hilarious as yours. Thanks for the laugh!
Love this Christa. I’m forever making mistakes while texting and commenting on Facebook via the phone. My friend I were texting one another a few months back. Within the course of the conversation both of us had auto corrects with our iPhones. In context (no pun intended) the words made no sense. We both got a good laugh from it.
Love this post. Needed a good laugh to start my day.
Vary funday.
Funny, Christa, how small and insignificant things bother us!
Your way of texting is like my commenting on FB and even on posts. So, I don’t mind yours at all!
Have a great day!
Too funny, Christa! I have problems with autocorrect too. 🙂
I not only have this problem with texting, but if I am responding to an email on my iPhone, I often mispell a word, not catch it and then send it on its merry way. Usually to my husband, who likes to make fun of me. I have decided that the problem is my fat fingers and poor eyesight…
This made me laugh.
I turned off autocorrect. Now everything is my fault. I have lots of faults and fat fingers. Thanks for the laugh. My children and young adult staff refuse to communicate any other way except texting. So I figure they have to interpret for themselves.
Hey Christa!
I love your texting! And you are NOT alone. Two recent college grads actually made money on this idea by writing a book called When Parents Text. They had all their friends send them real texts that parents had sent and compiled them into this book.Rodney bought me it for Christmas and I have not belly laughed so hard in years. I promise to share it with you sometime. 🙂
Thanks for this post and for an idea for a piece I need to write.
HAHA!! This is hilarious. I texted my brother the other day asking him what he was doing “this weekend”, and what appeared on the screen was, “Hey, what are you doing McSwiggen?” and he was all, “Huh?” and I KNOW I typed “weekend” in there, but whatever. Now, whenever we chat, we use “McSwiggen” instead of “this weekend”. It’s like we’re coming up with our own new language.
Julie, that is awesome. I can’t tell you how often I get myself in trouble with that spellcheck. I am sure it changes every word after I push send. I love McSwiggen…and is that even a popular term that is recognized? That in itself is funny!
This post made me laugh! The same thing used to happen to me when I was chatting with my friends on my kindle. Thankfully, they knew it was autocorrect and we got some good laughs out of it, but I said some pretty bizarre things. 😉
Oh Diana! The Kindle is even worse! Glad to know I am not alone in my futile attempts at communication