Getting things done- one key tip

Getting things done- one key tip

Getting things done- one key tip

It’s almost dinner time. My desk has various to-do lists on it, competing for my attention.

I am feeling a bit agitated right now, trying to choose the best thing. I am not agitated because of the never-ending to-dos

Instead, my list needs a different kind of attention today. I am setting aside the tasks in favor of some heart maintenance.

The kind of stuff that is cluttering up my mental work area…my point of view. Because what we think on? It determines who we are.

How we act.

And I can’t afford to waste that space on the wrong sort of things. Therefore, a revision–

To-Do List for the most important things

1. Forgive someone who didn’t ask for it

2. Stop lecturing my teen under the well-intentioned, but still overdone, mom’s advice for life

3. Take the plank out of my eye before I smack someone with it

4.  Refuse to get involved in things that are not my business

5. Remind myself of who I am, and stay confident in that

6. Spend time listening to God’s grace in music, reading it in print, creating art with it. Basically diving in for the evening

7. Make dinner

Why is it important to get things done?

Whew, I am tired already. These are heavy lifting kinds of things. Don’t you think the stuff that weighs on our hearts is the hardest to change?

I have a suspicion you might have a well-planned list for what needs to be accomplished. Or maybe a hastily scribbled scrap.

But do you have the hard things on there? Without crossing the difficult things off our list, we kinda just go in circles.

For me, I need peace.

I crave it, seek it, strive to live in it to the best of my abilities. The things you read above?

They are hard to share with you.

All of the talk in the world is only as good as our actions.

Intentions and smooth words aren’t the same as living out what I say I believe.

Do you need to adjust your to-do list to reflect some heart clean-up today as well? Don’t let the sun go down on it, and remember—you aren’t alone in this.

“If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” – Thomas Edison

The Key to getting things done

The best life? The really awesome, blow your mind, amazing life that we want? It is within our grasp.

The key is to seek peace. Chase after it like a madman and then tighten your shoelaces and do it again. And again the next day. Repeat as necessary.

Tomorrow’s to-do list?

1. Wake up feeling refreshed knowing I did what was right and good

2. Hit those lists...

Be okay with good enough when things don’t work out. Embrace your imperfect life

A heart full of joy has tips on getting more things done as a mom here if you’d like more encouragement!


Resources to get things done

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  1. Hi Christa! I had to click through when I saw the title of your post in my blog comments — it brought up all kinds of trigger feelings when I saw the words “to-do list”.

    How right you are though. What kind of list should we make our priority? The light-weight things that will always be there tomorrow, or the real heavy-lifting sort of things that will just get heavier tomorrow?

    1. Great perspective about the harder things just being heavier tomorrow. I so appreciate that… and welcome!

    1. I am not doing so hot on my list yet, but sure working on it. You are so right about Him informing the rest of our decisions. Thanks Brianna

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