How can we trust God in difficult times? (printable prayer)
How can we trust God in difficult times?
Life has changed dramatically in the past few years. Our normal routines, changed. The comforts of knowing our next steps, interrupted.
The dreams and normalcy that occupied our hours, set aside. Forced into an unexpected, unplanned, unwanted, and often uncomfortable shakeup.
But… for some of us, God whispers that change is coming.
Because we aren’t supposed to go back to our old lives at all.
A new thing is coming, a new dream that we might not even be able to visualize. In fact, our entire understanding of the present might feel askew. We can feel disoriented as the plans we had made with confidence, shift away from our carefully coordinated calendars.
Isaiah 43:19 For I’m going to do a brand-new thing. See, I have already begun! Don’t you see it?
What does it mean to trust God?
Personally, it has felt as though I stood in the center of an island, with sunshine and rainbows and a writing ministry all mapped out and treasured. Over the past few years, the current has been stronger than I understood. Inching the shoreline closer to my feet.
The water is lapping at my toes now, and there is only a fraction of what felt stable to stand on as I gaze out into the horizon, wondering about my future. What to do next.
Winds gust about, throwing off my balance and making it difficult to know which way to turn. My compass is spinning and my map of dreams has disintegrated into my hands, the dust scattering into the sky.
It is time to let go of what I thought I knew and let go of what isn’t anymore, to embrace what will be.
Life has changed and will continue to do so.
That is a good thing, and shouldn’t feel as surprising as it does! History has always, always, shown that things change.Â
In the confusion, we don’t anticipate beautiful surprises left in the aftermath of a storm.
What if we held our faces to the sky and our arms open wide into the gales? With anticipation instead of fear?
My feet are still on one solid piece of ground, Jesus. No matter how small the island starts to feel.
The world that feels so confusing today steadies as we remember where our foundation and hope remains strong.
What does the Bible say about trusting God?
I want to use this time to evaluate what it is time to let go of, and sit in the quiet and listen with intention. Being open to the new things, whatever they may be.
Letting go of what isn’t anymore (specifically in my writing dreams), with a willing heart.
I want to embrace what will be, without knowing what that means. Does this resonate with you as well?
We don’t have the answers to what our future holds, but the truth is, we never did.
Proverbs 16:9 reminds us, “We can make our plans,but the Lord determines our steps.” It is good to plan, but more important to be flexible to change.
How do you trust God in difficult times?
If you, like me, struggle with the reality of unfulfilled expectations, we can choose from two options…
Disappointment, where we drown in frustration and sadness.
Or, a better choice, learning. Where we gather the truths we’ve experienced along the way, and celebrating the wisdom that we’ve been gifted through our experiences.
We can choose to dust ourselves off and embrace getting prepared trusting that God has a purpose for us and work to do IN THIS SEASON. Not just “someday”.
Disentangling ourselves from the things that don’t matter as much as we thought, while clearing space for something new.
Embracing whatever imperfect, beautiful life awaits us.
Are you as lost as I am? It’s ok, we don’t need the whole plan in these uncertain times. We can just be for a while, ready when the winds die down and the storm has passed.
Prepared and eager to step out onto the freshly revealed path.
Trusting God prayer
Here is a prayer for trusting God in all circumstances- you can download a free printable of it by clicking here. And remember friends, we don’t have to fake happiness to still be determined to maintain our hope ♥
This time has been confusing, scary, and difficult. But you are not surprised. You have held me in ways that I can’t even imagine, gently encouraging me when my trust falters.
While I make my plans, help me remember that you, Lord, determine my steps.
Remind me that I can trust in you because you will strengthen and help me.
When I fear, you are with me, protecting me from resting in my dismay.
Your promises are a refuge, words I don’t want to forget. For as my refuge you are a place where I am sheltered from my troubles.
Thank you for offering me your perfect peace in my anxiety, and remind me again, Lord, when I forget to accept your generosity.
As I pray your own sweet words back to you, guide me and lead me upon a new path. Where I confidently anticipate your plans more than my own.
I need you and love you.
Books to help build trust in God
- Peace with the Psalms: 40 Readings to Relax Your Mind and Calm Your Heart
- Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World
- Find Joy: A Devotional Journey To Unshakable Wonder in an Uncertain World
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