how to get peace of mind when things didn’t go as planned

how to get peace of mind when things didn't go as planned

Breathe deeply. Relax your shoulders. Tell me, how do you feel?

Does anxiety force your hand to absentmindedly rub your temple? Perhaps anticipation for coming months fills you with distracted attention to the matters of the moment.

Lately, frustration has tinged the sunrise of my days.

My body has ached and disappointment has grown as my physical progress has seemingly halted post-accident.  Dissatisfaction tempted me to complain about my body as if its cooperation was out of reach.

In fact,  self-blame has become my shadow. What am I not doing something right?

I mentioned this to my doctor, as my regular appointments turn into months. He stopped working with me and leaned in, as if to tell me a guarded secret…

Christa, what if this timing is exactly where God intends it to be? What if, your body is healing just as he planned?

These words stuck with me all through the day. Thoughtful and reflective became my afternoon discussion group.

waterfall in rain forest

How can I get mental peace?

What if this is where you are meant to be?

I started with such eager determination to feel well. To gain control of my injured head and to coerce my body into health.  My doctor’s words were a special gift.

A much-needed reminder that we so often miss the point of leaning into the “right now“, in anticipation of “when”.

Since that afternoon talk, my perspective has shifted back to my grateful heart. That is so normal, you know, to need that readjustment. We aren’t alone in forgetting how powerful the ordinary moments of today are.

Our lives are directed by a grand maestro who directs the symphony that makes up our days.

Trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.— Teresa of Ávila

a fast moving river bank

Some days are heart-wrenching. Loss of loved ones or jobs or dreams steal our very breath.

Other days leave us exuberant, longing for tomorrow so we can experience each moment with a zest for living.

 The best moments are right in the middle. The ones we almost fail to notice in their ordinariness. 

“Sometimes we lose our way; we get buried in the clutter of the small and insignificant” (Donna Schaper, Sabbath Keeping)

There is holy to be found in the mundane. Our weakness can invite us into a place of rest, where peace can be found.

How can I calm my mind?

Let go of expectations. Allow a realistic flow to the days, choosing one or two things that really will allow a feeling of contentment. Accept that the unknown isn’t necessarily our enemy; we find surprises when we let go of control

Create an atmosphere of peace. We can’t feel joy when we have a soundtrack of negative television shows or talk radio or complaining people. Restoration can begin with the background music we choose to live to. Replace the loudness with gentle alternatives, such as Peaceful Piano on Spotify

Wait in God’s presence. He promises he will be found by those who seek Him. We benefit by stopping all the rushing and just lying in expectant waiting

how to get peace of mind quotes

Train your mind to be peaceful

F. Scott Fitzgerald penned this powerful sentiment, “Strength shows, not only in the ability to persist but in the ability to start over.”

That was a signal to me this week to live without beating myself up for not being what I was, and remembering the promise of who I will be. Would you join me?

Let go of yesterday and be persistent about laying tomorrow in His care. So very hard, I know, but let’s not stop working towards that peaceful end goal.

A heart at peace gives lift to the body Proverbs 14:30

Life won’t be perfect, our health might wane, and our future might seem uncertain.

Yet, we have the promise of and yet.  God isn’t finished with our story.

Let’s set down the pen and go on living with the assumption we might very well be just where we are supposed to be.

Living, growing, learning.

Resources to find peace of mind:

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  1. Oh, I loved reading this today! It was like a soothing soul-balm. Truth that I know, but need to be reminded of every. single. day. Thanks for sharing this so simply, beautifully, & honestly.
    (ByHisGraceBlogger sister)

    1. Hi Amanda, thanks for visiting today. I hope you will find peace here and be back. I appreciate you reading 😉

  2. Beautiful post! Sometimes it’s so hard to wait in God’s timing that we forget He isn’t finished with us by any means. Thank you so much for your transparency!

    1. Welcome Candice! It is a blessing to keep walking alongside each other and reminding that God is not surprised, even when we are…

  3. I needed this! It’s so easy to believe that we are where God has us when things are moving. What a great reminder to have confidence in Him that He is holding us at ALL times!!

  4. This is a great post and I so needed it after the last couple of days I’ve had. I’ve been struggling with frustration so this came at the perfect time for me. Of course, this comes from me not being patient and not knowing how to relax anymore. Loved this post!

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