Importance of making time for yourself as a mom
making time for yourself as a mom
Remember when the word fall used to be synonymous with happy things? Pumpkins, cool weather, the changing of leaves…
Now it seems to be connected more with an impending sense of busyness. The dreaded overbooked calendar.
There just doesn’t seem to be enough time.
Which, of course, isn’t true.
We often have “enough” time. How we choose to spend it, is largely in our control. There are non-negotiables in our schedule… but there are many things that can be changed, or even discarded.”
Go against the flow mama
I have always believed in going against the current in an effort to chase after a slower pace of living.
Honestly? Â Right now my world isn’t aligning with that choice. Life is conflicting with a deep inner conviction to choose time wisely.
 Busyness freaks me out. It just feels wrong.Â
I don’t mean the practice of a full life; that is intentional.
A life well-lived.
I’m referring to the panicked feeling of walking in circles, talking to yourself. Where was I going? What was I doing? The wasted efforts of doing a million little things in a desperate attempt to gain control of that sinking feeling of too much on our plate.
And those little things? They really don’t lend the same sense of accomplishment as a job well done. The kind where we have room to breathe as we work. To enjoy the mindful moment of the act, whatever that may be.
Is anyone connecting here? Are you overbooked?
Purposeful changes to make more time
- Reassess the calendar. Some things, even good or great things, will be minimized. Some will be eliminated. Might we feel a little guilty? Maybe for a moment. Trust me on this, it’ll be worth it
- Block out those newly freed spaces on the calendar. The lines will remind us (when something new tries to fill it) that our space is limited. It is valuable. It is reserved- for our intentional living- not our reactional living
- Read a book. Did you just freak out there? Deep breath…you have time. Remember? We just emptied some space. One thing I’ll choose is a book about rest. Consider Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial and Time Reserves To Overloaded Lives or a similar book that invites us to slowwwwwww down
We are made for more
Join me in increasing the margins this week.
When you carve out more time, how often do you use it for it’s intended purpose? Â I often get lost putzing it away.
Remember- intentional living beats reactive living any day. Moms, you are so busy. It never seems to end. Please realize that cutting out the less important, allows breathing room to be the best YOU.
Choose margin this week. Leave space to breathe, to enjoy the ordinary. Time will expand into the space we allow for it.
Allow what matters… that includes you ♥.
Resources for mom time:
- Find Peace: A 40-day Devotional Journey For Moms
- Not Just A Mom: The Extraordinary Worth of Motherhood & HomemakingÂ
- More Hours in My Day: Proven Ways to Organize Your Home, Your Family, and Yourself
- Motherwhelmed: Challenging Norms, Untangling Truths, and Restoring Our Worth to the World
- Disclosure: I only recommend products I do/would use myself. This post may contain affiliate links that at NO additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission to help support this blog. Read full privacy policy here.
I totally agree. I don’t know why we have come to accept overbooked and worn out as the norm!
Amen Melissa~
Great Ideas
La, how about you…what does your quiet time look like?
I love this idea of blocking out the free spaces on our calendar so that new things don’t get filled in. Actually, I find it quite brilliant. I have tried to keep our pace doable and our activities purposeful, but those empty spaces somehow always seem to fill up too. I love this, Christa!
So glad Rebeca, are there any days that have a hole that might already be condusive to that blocking?