My father taught me about hard work in his hat
My father taught me about hard work in his hat
I love to see my dad wearing this old, broken work hat.
It reminds me of who he is, and who he taught me to be.
Never one to “say” and not to “do”, he lives out a good work ethic.
When I was a girl, he really insisted that all chores were done right. Done correctly.
And I’ve never forgotten those lessons.
My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.” — Clarence B. Kelland
Back then I resented every lesson, I am sure. They seemed silly and too uptight.
When I see my dad in this hat?
Every lesson comes flooding back to me. Those lessons have served me well.
For I know the value of a job well done.
And I have a husband who carries on the tradition, of a dad who puts his family’s needs above all, no work beneath him …if it’ll keep the family afloat.
He learned alot from my dad too, coming around as a young man.
The satisfaction of a hard day’s work. Pride in a job well done.
My dad still works with the same ethic. I do wish he’d slow down a bit now, and enjoy the fruits of his labor more.
And he will, when the work is done. The best way, the right way.
He’ll relax and survey his project and mentally start planning the next.
Good thing there is hole in his hat, to let a few ideas escape… because I love to see him sitting down too.
No matter how old she may be, sometimes a girl just needs her dad— Carole Singer
Resources you might enjoy
- Letters to My Dad: Write Now. Read Later. Treasure Forever
- 101 So Bad, They’re Good Dad Jokes
- Marvel Father’s Day Captain America Shield Hero Dad Logo T-Shirt
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