Overthinking: Standing at the corner of Indecision and Action

Overthinking: Standing at the corner of Indecision and Action


When we are faced with the many choices of life, we often find ourselves stumped.

Stuck in the mental quagmire of self-doubt.

It’s like we are standing at a corner. Indecision Way veers off the left…

It is full of overgrown clumps of confusion and passivity. The sidewalk shows cracks of fear.

The weeds of distraction are high.

Always assuring us an excellent hedge against chance. Also providing us a briar that blocks our view of potential. Distraction trips us up on Indecision Way.

silly direction signs in forest

Becoming who we are meant to be through action

The other street, Action Avenue, is a little scarier.  For we can’t see anything at all except a glimmer of hope, just out of reach from where we are standing.

The sky is brighter there, inviting us. The road might not be smoother. It might be completely unchartered, long awaiting our footsteps to create the first path.

Action Avenue is the way to becoming the real us. Authentic and God-designed people who have a purpose.

It might be intimidating stepping off the path that we can see. But where does that path lead?

Indecision Way is a dead end.

It is time. Today is the perfect day to change direction and make some decisions.

Let’s think of Indecision as quicksand, and Action as a lifeline.

Today, grab the lifeline.

overthinking quotes

Listen, I get scared all the time

Floundering between choices and pushing myself out of my comfort zones. I do it every day I show up in my office chair.

Each time I have internal debates over being so open on this blog. Every choice about parenting or my marriage or my friendships.

Thoughts about the future and career direction and retirement.  Concerns about my extended family’s needs and meeting the pull of the community around me.

Shoot, I pass the corner of Indecision every day!

But you can only walk to the end of a dead end street so many times before you realize that backtracking is the only way out.

Who has time for that?

What about you? Please share and tell me where you might be headed?


P.S. Want more encouragement about dealing with indecision? Check these out:

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