Slowing down in life to find awe in the ordinary
It started with a gentle breeze. Flopping on the couch, my feet propped up on the back, I stared out the window. The first day after summer’s oppressive heat, the windows were all propped up and the air flowed in. Warm and comforting.
The wind’s breath tickled my toes, blowing gently into the house. My senses became alert to my surroundings.
The wind chimes sang happily and the blue sky contrasted deeply against the puffy white clouds. An airplane flew across the sky and in the distance, I heard a train. Steadily getting louder, an insistent horn announces its ranking over the traffic lights.
Lulled into a near trance with the simplicity of the moment, everything was striking!
I was in complete and utter awe of the ordinary.
What are the benefits of slowing down?
We tend as busy, distracted people to miss the beauty of our normal everyday routines.
How rich life is, when we turn our focus to the details of the world around us. The benefit is peace, an allowance for breath, and instant contributions to our mental health.
Matthew 6:21-  for where your treasure is, there your heart [your wishes, your desires; that on which your life centers] will be also.
Appreciating the ordinary is contagious.
Once you are in awe of a routine thing, your mindset has the opportunity to escape into wonder.
“If you’re always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you’re in? Slow down and enjoy the moment you’re in and live your life to the fullest.”
― Nanette Mathews (Shared on Filling The Jars)
How to slow down and live simple joy
We are surrounded by blessings, and is said that thousands of things go right for us every day…things that too often go unappreciated.
For example, on a drive the other day, I was mulling these ideas over. I noticed the shadows across a mountain and the beautiful purple shades. A raincloud was in the distance, seemingly showering a small circle of land.
My gratitude turned to having a car that is running well, strength in health to hold the steering wheel, and the mental clarity to drive at all. A big gift with chronic illness.
Rolling the windows down, I put my arm out the window and let my hand surf through the powerful blast of air. Remember doing that as a kid? It is just as fun now, maybe even more so! Simply joys are worth pursuing as adults with lots of life coming at them.
I was grateful.
Gratitude is a powerful neutralizer of stress.
(Author Helena Woods has a sweet book called, “
Slowing down can help anxiety
It is illuminating and life-changing to really pay attention to the details of your life. It is too easy to forget that we are only promised today.
Stressors will always be part of our human journey. But we CAN choose to fight against them.
One way is to be a student of the ordinary, seemingly mundane moments that are our days. That is where the magic is. By slowing down, we don’t only think about the big things– we take time to notice the little things with curiosity.
Romans 12:18 – Yet, none of these things (circumstances) move me.
What does slowing down do?
In a few weeks, it will be my grandma’s 93nd birthday. How I wish I could be there to celebrate her. She always taught me to look at life with this curiosity. ( Want to read more about finding joy in the ordinary? Click here)
She has struggled with dementia this year, but her 93 years of life are a tremendous forever gift to me.
Rose-colored glasses are sometimes purchased through overcoming suffering. She taught me that too. I adore her.
A slow and simple life has huge benefits
In celebration of her, will you join me today in slowing down to be in awe of your ordinary?
Those little moments are where the joy is found. Big events are wonderful and memorable, but the comfort of a life well lived is in the small things.
That is the untapped gift of a slow, simple life. Time to notice and find wonder in the ordinary.
1 Thessalonians 4:11- “…make it your ambition to lead a quiet life
Where do you struggle with slowing down? Can you imagine a time today when you can put aside the “noise” and just breath? Observing and finding beauty with purpose?
God bless you today and always.
Would you like a PDF to help you slow down today? Click here for your free gratitude journal printable.
Slow down and rest in awe resources
- Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life
- The Art of Rest: Faith To Hit Pause In A World That Never Stops
- Peace with the Psalms: 40 Readings to Relax Your Mind and Calm Your Heart
- The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You (ps, I am an HSP, are you?)
- Slow
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