Stop feeling guilty about looking for the good!
There is more than one kind of outbreak sweeping our world. The actual pandemic is heart-wrenching enough without the next, joy shaming.
Publicly, I see people get reprimanded, shamed and mocked for daring to find delight in the small moments. If we are doing something that society at large deems “appropriate” than there is praise and sharing and celebration.
Giving food, sharing supplies, clapping for workers.
I celebrate ALL of those things, all of them.Â
That is why it breaks my heart to see some negative responses to people just trying to keep their spirits up. For doing normal things, I’ve seen people knocked down for their supposed irreverence.
I see it differently. I applaud people looking for the tiniest of good (unrelated to the pandemic) and sharing what they find. Attempting to lift others’ spirits as well.
I celebrate these things too.Â
Judgment and scathing criticism for the heavy-hearted trying to find joy in their circumstance is unacceptable.
Why Is There Joy Shaming In Looking For The Good?
It honors God to do what we can for others AND pray for our fellow man AND not talk about the current events for a bit, but instead, choose contentment in our home.
Embracing the outdoors, doing projects just for fun, or any other pursuit that says, in this moment, I will find good.
Philippians 4:11-13 –I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
It isn’t either/or when looking for the good
Caring for those affected by the virus, or choosing to set aside the news for the day in favor of a restored spirit, aren’t mutually exclusive. It is not an either/or situation.
Instead, let’s continue to extend copious amounts of grace to each other.
To let our words reflect kindness, even though our patience is thin and our heart is weary.
To let our actions reflect peace, even though we are frustrated.
To let our lives reflect hope, even when we are fearful.
When life knocks you down, stop and look around for one thing that’s good, because there is always something. Then cling to that good. – Vi Keeland
Shame based thinking is wrong
Joy is a gift, not to be shamed out of someone. For every single heart that is encouraged, in their own personal pursuits, will come an outpouring of joy to share.
We can’t give from being empty, and I encourage each of us today to spend some time filling our tanks back up.
Mostly, I see a resurgence of caring and community that is unlike anything I’ve seen in my lifetime. It is beautiful!
I’ve also seen enough joy shaming, that I wanted to stop and send a message to you today… don’t stop chasing peace. Don’t change your pursuit of joy. It is worth it, and nothing to be ashamed about!
We all have things to offer. Stopping to reset and find a bit of delight to share is just one more way to breathe life into our communities. ♥
“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” — Charles Dickens
resources to encourage you:
- Finding Joy When Life Is Out Of Focus: Philippians-Study For Joy-Thirsty Women
- The Lifegiving Home: Creating a Place of Belonging and Becoming
- Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives  SO good
- Disclosure: I only recommend products I do/would use myself. This post may contain affiliate links that at NO additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission to help support this blog. Read full privacy policy here.
Thanks Christa! Very needed subject right now. I haven’t been watching the news much. Protecting my soul from the harshness and constant negativity that is all around. Having an autoimmune issue means that stress makes us more vulnerable so I’m doing everything I can to reduce that stress coming from the outside. Not being able to go shopping for scrapbooking supplies is annoying but I’m finding I’m OK being shut in. I’m sleeping on MY schedule which is maybe the biggest blessing that God has given me in this time!!
You go girl! I am so proud of you and thankful that you are able to finally find that peaceful rest schedule you needed 🙂 What supplies do you need? Maybe I can help. BTW is fairly local. You can order online and pick up if they are open?
I haven’t heard of any joy shaming out there., but I’m sure it’s out there. Good for you for tackling this topic. We all need more joy in our lives!
Amen sister!
Thank you for sharing these words that speak to my heart. You have a gift for saying things in a compassionate and open way that allows the beauty of peaceful perspective to be seen!
((((JENNY))))) your words totally made my day, thank you for that sweet encouragement