The battle to get your life together by letting go of busy

Battling to get your life together by letting go of busy

The battle to get your life together by letting go of busy

Martha was known for getting things done, I bet. She was mad at her sister Mary for slacking off and chilling with Jesus, and he called her out on it.

I used to think Martha got dealt with a bit harshly. Somebody had to coordinate chores and keep the balls in the air!

Except, Martha missed the point. What she was doing wasn’t wrong,  in fact it was completely in alignment with the customs of the day.

Hospitality wasn’t a suggestion, it was a cultural way of life.

Jesus sweetly reminded her that she was missing the beauty of the moment.

red and white plates

How can I get my life back in order when I’m busy?

If Mary is a slacker, let me be more like her!

Instead, it comes easier to keep balancing my plates. Adding another, and another, while trying to spin them frantically above my head.

If you are a parent or a spouse or a friend or an employee or, well, human? You likely know what I mean.

Somehow we mistake busy-ness as a prize.

We risk missing peace in pursuit of an illusion. As if we can really “have it all together.

get your life together quotes

We don’t always have things together, and that is ok

I don’t want to add another plate. I don’t want to have an important pursuit slip from my grasp, while my fingers grip securely to things that matter much less.

On the outside, I have been stung by the comments that I seemed like I had “it” together. But,  that was only because I had learned the lie of saying I had it all together.

Because that is what we do.

And for what?

Pretending our lives are all smooth sailing benefits no one. Especially not ourselves. There is relief in the imperfection of life.

 I’ve never met anyone who finds relief in striving.  

dinner plates

Keep the good things to get your life “together”

All= one’s whole interest, energy, or property (

Together= one’s whole interest, energy, or property (

The only thing I want to have “all together”, my entire investment of energy, is on Jesus first. Then, all the rest.

Yet, that isn’t how my days go. Distractions come from every direction, tempting me with meager substitutions.

My intention turned on its head, as I try to fit my faith into my focus.

Stop striving for perfection

What if…suppose we put down some of our cheap plates and went for the good stuff? We set the table of our life with finer options?

Those things include a lot more of serving those around us, loving and appreciating the gift of family and friends, keeping our home as sanctuary. Good things.

Our finest plate on top of the rest. China over plasticware. Jesus over social media, for example.

What freedom there is in having an unspoken for moment! There is joy in the margin my friends.

(Check out this great post on margin by Michael Hyatt)

china on dinner plate

Get your life together by letting go

Set something down. You don’t have to pretend to have it all together.

Let’s not add one more thing to our day without evaluating what we will take out to leave margin for the really good stuff.

“Nothing is harder to bear than a burden we are not called to carry…and while there are many needs; God has not asked us to meet every one” —  Joanna weaver

This week, let’s try and reduce those spinning plates. We are free to be vulnerable and admit to each other that we just can’t add something else and hold it all together.

Your turn- What is the biggest extracurricular time commitment you have? Is it worth the energy?

Books to let go of perfectionism:


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  1. Yes yes yes to this! Looking back at the calendar, there isn’t one big thing…it’s just every little thing that adds up. And really? I don’t think we’ve had a free day as a family in MONTHS. I don’t have a solution, but boy am I tired of the hamster wheel.

    1. Morgan, what a brilliant way to put it, “there isn’t one big thing…it’s just every little thing that adds up”. You have given me another idea! Your life is very full, I do hope you can carve out a family break. Picnic in the park? Your lovely family walks in the evenings?

  2. Oh my gosh…. if this doesn’t have me written all over it!!?!? Although, I must say I’ve become a lot better with letting others see my imperfections. For me it’s been about giving up control and resting in the peace of God. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done… and continue to learn to do. Thanks for sharing. Tania from TheodoraLove.

    1. Hey there Tania! It sure isn’t a one time deal, is it? I love reading about others who are intentional in releasing the pursuit of any kind of perfection. Thanks for sharing!

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