The (anti) New Year’s resolution solution

The (anti) New Year's resolution solution

The (anti) New Year’s resolution solution

Are you ready to make a significant change in your life? Me too.

Local bookstores and magazine check-out aisles are saturated with promises of surefire success tips marketed to the standard hopes. Lose weight in 30 days, Pay off your debt with 3 easy tips, Become the best you!

How sweet these promises sound, except, do you wonder— if they really worked…why are similar ideas just packaged differently year after year after year?

People tend to love lists and programs because what we REALLY want is hope.

An answer to our struggle.

Yet, recurring problems are seldom solved with a blanket program.  All of our earnest declarations mean naught without a solid plan for achievable results.

Statistics aren’t very encouraging. About 41% of Americans make New Years’ resolutions, yet not even half of them report success in reaching their goals.

But we, my friends, are NOT destined to be a statistic. There is fresh hope for the New Year! The solution is to ditch the resolutions.

This time we are going to focus on attainable goals.

We can still purpose to make changes in our weight or finances or relationships or ________ (fill in your blank)! It isn’t the goals that are flawed. But, this year our solutions will be based on actions instead of intent.

good new year's resolutions quotes

What are good New Year’s resolutions?

Simplify. One key principle for real, lasting change in the new year?


Seems backward, I know. How can “rest” be useful in making significant changes in our lives? Momentum is our goal, and rest can play a powerful part towards that end.

With busyness dominating our culture, it seems counterintuitive to see how rest allows us to get stuff done. I would counter that, and say that without restoration? We will crash and burn.

Things might get checked off the list, but at what cost?

Rest allows our brain to process and heal. Relaxation benefits our body and spirit. Meditating on God’s word is nearly impossible without a reasonable amount of breathing room to seek His counsel in reaching our full potential.

I am not suggesting the impossible here…we all have things to do.

Yet perhaps, if we really want to shoot for lasting change and tangible success in our goals? Rest is the missing piece.

Do less, not more.   Sustainability is our goal, and we can accomplish more…with less

Less busy, less frantic, less distracted, less stressed, less overwhelmed, less stretched in all directions.

quotes about rest

Try these simple New Year’s resolutions

  1. Narrow the focus– Saying  “I want to lose weight this year”, is less attainable than “I want to cut my body fat by 5% this year”.  Determining to “pay off debt this year” is not as powerful as “cutting back on ______ to pay an extra $100 towards my credit card each month”. We can’t hit a moving target, so understanding what we really want is crucial to gain momentum
  2. Commit plans to paper– We are much more likely to keep gaining momentum when we are clear about what we hope to achieve…AND how we are getting there. I created a free printable to map out a goal and define action steps for success (click here to download)
  3. Avoid overcomplication– Big ideas risk big distractions when we make things harder than they are. If you are at all like me, the IDEAS keep coming and bring the risk of mental paralyzation. Too many options can end up leading us nowhere. Remember, we are focusing on ONE important goal at a time.  This doesn’t mean we can’t have lots of goals for the year, but if we try and think of them all at once? It makes success less tangible. This is where rest comes into play.

simple (realistic) new year's resolutions quotes

Margin and restoration

Margin is imperative to allow our brain time for restoration, imagination, wellness…and yes, even achieving resolutions.

Don’t miss the goal worksheet printable link in Step 2, and here is another New Year’s freebie…for the month of January, join me in writing out a scripture a day on the benefits of rest (click here to download).

No matter when you stumble upon this post? It is the perfect time to ponder these scriptures! They are not dated and always helpful, anytime of the year.

Determine to really learn the value of white space, to understand how powerful margin is, and how essential it is to a peaceful life allowing for restorative periods of time. 

That is a resolution worth keeping.

Happy New Year and may your journey be full of wonder this year, and delight with gaining momentum towards the goals that matter most in your life.

Books I like for my New Year’s goal of simple living

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