The best things in life are written in the margins
The best things in life are written in the margins
What would you say if I told you that I could give you extra breathing room each day? Help you find the extraordinary in the mundane of regular living? Those desirable perspectives are often found within the margin of our days.
In fact, the best things about life are written in the margins.
Too often we are like Job who cried out, “I have no peace! I have no quiet! I have no rest! And trouble keeps coming!” (3:26, GW).
Good thing for us, we have the ability to alter that perspective.
Realistically, some things are static and out of our control. However, I encourage you to keep being brutal with un-committing until a healthy balance is found.
We often need to let go of the good to find the best. We must strive for peace with all of our hearts (1 Peter 3:11, GNT).
Margin { a limit in condition, capacity etc., beyond which something ceases to be desirable}Â Â Margin {Â the space around the written matter on a page}
The best things in life restore our sanity
Imagine a book page for a moment…the body is nicely confined with an allowance of empty space. Sometimes we use that space to jot a note about the impact of the words, details of the story, things we want to remember.
The white space serves us as an offering to think outside of the confines of the text. A visual and mental break.
How difficult would it be to read, for example, if the words went completely to each edge of the paper? It would be hard to enjoy something we have to work to make sense of.
This applies to life as well…
How challenging it is to live well when we run our lives, and our errands, and commitments to the edges of our life. Our sanity. Our energy.
Pursue a purposeful increase in the inclusion of margin into your days.
The story is written, but the tiny details that spark recognition in our spirit? They are written in the margins.
In the empty space alongside our experience.
“The best things in life are the things that we cannot buy with money.”
The best things in life give us perspective
The unplanned and blank space seems without purpose. But indeed, is entirely necessary!
Margin is our perimeter. Our boundary. It holds in the necessary while allowing room to see the subtle notes we gather as we follow along with our story.
And that my friends, that margin, is where we find the powerful and unexpected beauty in our ordinary days. The simplest way to find it is to purposefully leave empty space.
The best things in life are found in the ordinary moments
Allow for an impromptu chat with God, just sitting there. Listen to music, just for the fun of it. Watch the birds out the window, just to laugh at their antics. Play that game that kids want to show you, just to delight in the gift of motherhood. Spend time daydreaming, just for pleasure.
“God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.”— Voltaire
Margin gives us space to breathe, and that deep inhalation of freedom? It changes our perspectives and offers us a valuable gift. Peace.
Your turn- What is the main thing holding you back from including margin in your own days? Is it a tangible thing, like work demands, or a mental block like “I should be busy“?
Slow living resources you might enjoy:
Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives  SO good
Destination Simple: Everyday Rituals for a Slower Life
Seeking Slow: Reclaim Moments of Calm in Your Day
The Simple Living Guide: A Sourcebook for Less Stressful, More Joyful Living
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I love this. I’ve always been one to write in the margins of my Bible. You have given me a new perspective.
Do you like to take notes about how the passages relate to life at that moment?