The difference between joy and happiness includes grace
The difference between joy and happiness includes grace
Did you know you don’t have to be happy every minute of the day?
I am a huge advocate for embracing the beauty of an imperfect life, however, sometimes that means we need to step back and stop trying so hard. To do anything extraordinary. Instead, to just be.
We don’t have to keep busy every second and make the most of the time at home. Enjoy the breathing room, if that is what you need.
We don’t have to spend our moments fearful, watching the news and absorbing people’s suffering. It is okay to care, and also, to take a break.
We don’t have to take a side and choose who is behaving rightly or wrongly in this epidemic. We can just be, and give people the benefit of the doubt who might, like us, just be doing the best they can.
We don’t have to organize and purge and spring clean every room just because we have a forced time at home. Enjoy that, if you want to, and it is okay if you need to be still.
We don’t have to put on a smile and determine to be the one keeping everyone’s spirits up every day. Sometimes, laying in your room watching escapist tv is just what you need to restore before emerging ready to love well again.
We don’t have to dwell on the sorrow every moment to care deeply. Writing notes of encouragement, prayer, and caring can exist with also withdrawing from the noise and embracing the little joys surrounding you.
We don’t have to suddenly want to talk on the phone, do video chats or meet our neighbors across the street and yell to be heard at a safe distance. If you need a little cocoon of silence to make it, there is no shame in that.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted –Matthew 5:4
(you can download the “just be” free printable here)
Are joy and happiness the same thing?
You are allowed to not feel happy every minute.
What I do, what they do, what you do? It all has one thing in common, it is personal. Unique. We’ve never been in this situation before, ever. There is no manual, so please…just do you.
I still hope you will go breathe the fresh air and notice the flowers on the petals. That you’ll relish the laughter of windchimes and children. That you will walk around your home and be amazed at its potential for comfort.
That you might embrace encouraging others as the cure for our own fear.
But, those are only suggestions.
For when you are ready. Because some days? We might need to nest a bit deeper, sit in solitude to restore, or ponder alone and sort out our feelings.
Did you know the Bible has plenty to say about joy and happiness? How is joy different than happiness?
Check out The Bible Verses regarding joy here.
Joy often includes happiness as a precious gift. But happiness doesn’t always have a foundation in true joy.
The difference between joy and happiness according to the Bible
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you- 1 Peter 5:7
Every single one of us has had our world changed. Our routines disrupted. Our plans shaken. And those are the minor things…It is okay, we are okay. This too shall pass.
While the world at large has been tossed about, this freedom extends to ALL of your days and years.
Motherhood, homeschooling, marriage, friendship…all the normal parts of our homemaking and relationship building will for sure have bumps in the road.
You, my friend, are free to choose joy when it comes, and sometimes? Take a break and just feel how you feel. Shame free.
The difference between Joy and happiness is circumstance vs hope, and we all have access to hope.
Resources to maintain joy:
- The Contentment Journal
- Calm My Anxious Heart: A Woman’s Guide to Finding Contentment
- Find Peace: A 40-day Devotional Journey For Moms
- Finding Joy When Life Is Out Of Focus: Philippians-Study For Joy-Thirsty Women
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