The Hardest Part Is Watching Him Walk Away
The Hardest Part Is Watching Him Walk Away
My stomach drops a bit when I see this man walk away.
Pieces of me are tucked into his suitcase. His pocket. His jacket.
When I thought of all those goals I shared recently? Where it asked what I had accomplished?
This…this man represents one of my greatest feats.
He is, quite simply, my treasure.
Encouraging strong marriages matters greatly to me. Not because I come from a place of righteousness and pride.
Quite the opposite.
Determine to stay in a good marriage
He and I formed from the beginning… a youthful romance turned into a lengthy marriage.
Full of humility and lessons and struggle. Â Equally full of determination to stay together and humor and love.
Statistically, we never would make it.
But we did. We do.
We make it work and our life is richer for having stood the test of maturing together, of learning to let go of our right-fighting. Of committing to have each other’s back, no matter what. Of laughing and teasing and loving.
It wasn’t always easy, but it was always worth it
When he leaves? I struggle.
And I wait.
Not because I am incapable without him, but I surely am better because of him.
And because the easiest thing? Is watching him come home to us again.
Your turn- It is HARD when one spouse is often gone. What do miss you most about your partner when they aren’t around?
Great resources on marriage:
- What’s It Like to Be Married to Me?: And Other Dangerous QuestionsÂ
- The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective
- Sheet Music: Uncovering the Secrets of Sexual Intimacy in MarriageÂ
- Disclosure: I only recommend products I do/would use myself. This post may contain affiliate links that at NO additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission to help support this blog. Read full privacy policy here.
My beautiful friend, I am so glad I know you. While I have never had the honor of meeting your man, I know this much: you guys have a beautiful marriage that shines God’s grace. And I am thankful I get to see that.
Brianna, what sweet words of encouragement. Thank you!
Yes it is .
But then i am ok.
Indeed 🙂
I am such a cry baby if my hubby has to leave for a business trip – I get a bit emotional. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does I count the hours until he returns. Same with if I have to go away without him. I thought I was the only wife like that. I’m glad I’m not.
I love this post.
Aimee, trust me, I hear you. Once, a few years ago, his work made him leave for four months, coming home every two weeks for just a weekend. I would just fall apart every Sunday night in spite of my best intentions. Thanks for letting me know I have good company 🙂
I love this post about your husband, Christa. It’s wonderful to see the love you have for each other. I am glad he will be back home with you soon.
I love that you too care so much about marriage Stacie. You inspire me frequently
Wonderful seeing the love you and Art share, Christa. That is what makes life worth living. I know the hard work a couple needs to do to have that kind of marriage and what a blessing it is when that happens.
Be always blessed, my beautiful, sensitive, wise friend!
Katina I’ve thought about how beautiful your own love story is, I appreciate your wisdom shared here…
Thank you, Christa mou! You are a wonderful woman and Art is the great man he is because of you.