The Heiroglyphic Trail- Photography
A peaceful path climbs up a hillside in the Superstition Wilderness Range that is commonly known as the Hieroglyphic Trailhead.
It traverses through a shallow wash and an easily navigable trail upwards to a canyon, that holds remains of an ancient Hohokam Indian site.
Hieroglyphics is actually a misnomer, as this canyon showcases countless petroglyphs..rock carvings. There are estimations that the Hohokam inhabited this region approximately 1,500 years ago.
Some are faded, but others are surprisingly vivid!
At the base of these huge boulders lie empty, smooth rock pools where water gathers, and sometimes creates waterfalls during heavy rainfall.
We only had our phone camera this day, but thankfully the petroglyphs are still easy to see!
It was an amazing experience to be so close to history, and be able to explore with curiosity. We were happy to see that through all these years people are respecting the area, with little damage.
Should you ever get to visit the area, make sure you take a drive on my favorite desert route…the Apache Trail near here!
This hike is a favorite of one of our daughters and she knew we’d love it too.
I have to give props to my beloved husband for this day…due to an especially trying year for illness, every hike takes at least twice as long for us as noted on trailheads.
He patiently, oh so patiently, goes slow and steady helps me to balance. Celebrating each hiking triumph. They are victories we don’t take lightly ♥. Every hike is a memory we treasure.
This hike will probably be our last until fall, as the temperatures make daytime hikes extremely dangerous (and I am prone to heat stroke, ugh), so early mornings are best.
I’d like mornings so much better if they were later in the day…
If you visit the Sonoran desert and want to explore too?
Bring way more water than you expect to need. Make sure someone knows where you are headed, as trails can be isolated. Watch for rattlesnakes in the warm seasons, and be prepared for emergencies. There is seldom reliable cell service in the Wilderness areas. Watch the weather as flash floods are a real danger here in the Monsoon season.
The desert is a stark and beautiful place, and this hike will give you a panoramic view of Gold Canyon and stunning Superstition mountains. This trail is one the easier ones for people of all skills, and a great introduction to Arizona history.
Enjoy the visual journey today!