The life-changing good news of Christmas
The life-changing good news of Christmas
Churches talk about the good news of the gospel, but what does that mean?
If you don’t know Jesus, today is a good time to meet him.
He is not a religion or a set of rules. He is freedom.
Jesus is FOR you.
No matter what you’ve done. Or haven’t done…
Trust me, I have made countless mistakes. (Read my post about my sin here) Yet, my life is rich and restored. Not because of a fairy tale, but because Jesus meets you where you are.
He doesn’t just meet us, He pursues us.
The ultimate love interest is trying to get our attention. But, he won’t force it on us. It is a gift.
When I look back on the chaos of my soul before Christ, to where I am now? There is a peace that was unimaginable to me before.
His presence is the best present.Â
Who can add to Christmas? The perfect motive is that God so loved the world. The perfect gift is that He gave His only Son. The only requirement is to believe in Him. The reward of faith is that you shall have everlasting life  – Corrie Ten Boom
This season is set aside for celebrating the birth of Christ
Sure, the Christmas “story” we commonly see played out might bear little resemblance to the actual story.
These were crushing times for the Jewish people. They needed hope. The lives of people like Mary and Joseph were difficult and beyond our American comprehension of suffering perhaps. Mary risked being stoned and Joseph risked his reputation, which in his circles?
It meant a LOT.
Christmas might not be the exact day, there might have been more than three wise men and any other mights in those story details.
None of those really matter though.
Jesus was born. In a manger. To the poor, regular, and faithful people. Shepherds were given a glorious announcement over the fields, compelling them to find the baby. Wise men did travel a great distance to give gifts. Herod did respond brutally.
And Jesus lived
And here is the best part, Jesus loves you. He wants you. Knowing Him doesn’t mean becoming a perfect Christian or doing it all right.
Jesus came, and let’s not forget this part… because we could never be enough on our own.Â
No rules could be met, in our own power, that could release us from the chains of sin.
So God came in human form. Jesus.
That is the good news of Christmas for all
He came because of us, and for us.
True love.
And it is free, for all of us.
If you don’t know Jesus? Here is a simple prayer to get you started:
Jesus… I believe you are the Son of God and came to save me. You are the way to life, and I want that! Please come into my heart and reveal yourself to me. Help me. Forgive me. I can’t do this without you. Amen
Merry Christmas, with much affection,
Christmas Resources to encourage you
- God Hears Her, A Joyful Christmas: 31 Morning and Evening Devotions
- Why the Nativity?: 25 Compelling Reasons We Celebrate the Birth of Jesus
- The Soul Felt Its Worth: A 25-Day Devotional Journey Through the Music of Christmas
- Disclosure: I only recommend products I do/would use myself. This post may contain affiliate links that at NO additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission to help support this blog.Â
Beautiful truth! Merry Christmas!
Thank you Rachel, you as well!
Welcome Christmas!
Wishing you and your family a wonderful and meaningful Christmas my friend. <3
{I received your blessing in the mail ~ Christmas In My Heart ~ thank you!}