15 things to be thankful for at home

15 things to be thankful for at home

15 things to be thankful for at home

Wayyyyyy back at the beginning of the year 2020, oh wait, is that still this year? I had a Word of the Year. With all the chaos and uncertainty, it almost slipped my mind completely.

That word was CONTENT.

To satisfy the mind; to make quiet, so as to stop complaint or opposition; to appease; to make easy in any situation

We have all had to work harder this year to find a place of peace that we can rest in.Β  One helpful weapon against chaos is to study our surroundings.Β  What can we take pleasure in within our day-to-day and familiar lives?

Days may feel unpredictable. This year has held disappointment, loss, fear, and confusion.Β  All the more reason to stop and celebrate every good and overlooked gift.

On that note, let me share a few things that seem “ordinary”, so accustomed are we to their presence! Yet they are all reasons that when noticed, can be celebrated.

Small things have great value when we fight to be thankful for each and every gift. Take a moment to jot down a list of things that seem mundane on the surface…

15 favorite ordinary things I’m thankful for

ladies beauty products on vanity

  1. Moisturizer (told you these were “ordinary” things!) –Β  after years of trying a gazillion products, I went back to the original Oil of Olay recently. Oh my word, while I detested some other OofO products, this one feels so dreamy.

My skin feels softer than it has in years. Plus, it is much better for our tight budget!

clean sheets making bed

2.Β  Clean sheets– this is one of the luxuries that I anticipate the most each week. I am a stickler for freshly washed linens, and LOVE the simple joy of smooth, clean sheets.

One brand that is holding up well, and has elastic all the way around is the Pinzon 300 Thread Count Organic Cotton Bed Sheet Set. They don’t get stretched out, and might be our favorite of all time. Plus, they are affordable.Β 

We liked them so well, we bought another set just in case they quit making them!

organized laundry room

3.Β  In-home laundry–Β  What a consistent gratitude reminder these dutiful machines are! Maybe it is from reading so many Little House books, but I’ve always been acutely aware of how fortunate we are to have a washing machine.

glasses in front of pile of books

4. Glasses- These are such a part of life, it is easy to forget how integral vision tools are to everyday tasks…and joys. Did you know you can donate your unused glasses to places that will distribute them to the many who don’t have access to them?

toffee crunch candle and vintage books

5.Β  Candles-Β Truly a luxury item that brings daily delight. My favorite scents are cinnamon and apple.Β  The whiff of pleasant aroma coupled with the soothing light can alter our moods and provide relaxation. Wax and Wool creates a cinnamon chai once a year that is my favorite of all time

funny socks for women

6. Happy socks– Juvenile? Yep. But these inexpensive and silly socks have brought many smiles on hard days. They are about $1.50 at Target, so I get a few pairs a year. How can we resist smiling with a cat “purrito” on our feet?

needle on a record player

7.Β  Music- it has the ability to transport us, comfort us, and sometimes? When we need it, it gives voice to our anguish. That is important too. Rarely does a day go by in our home without it.

organized mason jars in pantry

8. Order- not so much a thing, but a concept. In the hardest times of my life, I learned that tidiness made a remarkable difference in overcoming depression. One tool. The feelings of my world falling apart were stalled momentarily by the ability to create order somewhere.

It is a habit that has stuck because for me, it makes a drastic, necessary difference in my ability to function well. Maybe it would help you too?

homemade blankets

9. Cozy blankets– most of our blankets tell a story.Β  They represent love and comfort and are tangible items that wrap us and remind us of being held and warm and safe. The middle one was made for me in 1982 by my great aunt Bertie.

It has been my go-to comfort for all these years. Every sickness, tear, and fear is integrated into its stitches. And the happy times too…cuddling with children or cold winter nights.

shelf full of scrapbooks

10.Β  Photos-Β the moments that make up our lives, commemorated and cherished. They are such treasures, reminding us of loved ones and traditions and memories.

I am so thankful to know that no matter how many times we move, these pictures show the good parts of our life that we lived in the midst

looking out a window

11. Windows-Β  how often do we stop to celebrate glass windows and natural light? We likely have not known a life without them, so it takes purpose to stop and notice what is considered essential in modern times.

Being a daydreamer, they are something I want to appreciate since I spend a lot of time gazing out of them!

vintage little golden books on shelf

12.Β  Books- reading is a powerful mental vacation. I collect vintage children’s books, and they make a fun addition to the other actual reading that I do.

disco ball reflecting sun onto wall

13. Golden hour light– there is nothing quite like the beauty of late afternoon sun setting that fills our rooms suddenly with warm shadows. No matter where we go, I always try to place a disco ball where that hour casts a light party of delight across the room.

tin palette of watercolors

14. Hobby supplies– I am exceedingly grateful for art supplies. Paints and papers and the like. They, when I stop to enjoy them, make a significant impact on refilling my “cup”.

finch on wall

15.Β  Birds– watching birds has become therapeutic. I used to tease my mom and grandma for it until I became old enough to recognize that their antics are fun distractions.

Having any kind of animal life around our homes can give us a peek into a world of living with what is in front of you, not stealing tomorrow’s moments by fretting today.

Matthew 6:25-27 β€œThat is why I tell you not to worry about everyday lifeβ€”whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?Β Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?

Fight despair with gratitude

We are so extraordinarily blessed. Creating our home means we have input on setting the tone, one of sanctuary. Don’t let all the external voices these days steal the joy of what is good. What brings joy and delight.

Take inventory of the simple things and celebrate these gifts. Our ordinary is someone else’s dream. It is helpful to remember just how blessed we are…even when things aren’t easy. Even when things are really hard!

Because gratitude is always a fitting antidote to fight off despair.Β 

What is something that seems “ordinary” that you are thankful for? Please share and let me know :).

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  1. I’m thankful for YOU, although you are anything BUT ordinary! I am thankful for all of my wonderful family. Thank you for the reminder of 15 other things. Perfect list, but I’m sure you were tempted to add doughnuts to the list! Love you!

  2. Sitting on my deck with my hubby gazing at the Rocky Mountains, fresh clean running water in the house, a working furnace, large fluffy bath towels, libraries, books, clean fresh mountain air, hot tea on a cold day, a full pantry, memories, my art supplies. Thanks for your post, I could go on and on. πŸ™‚

    1. Mary, i just smiled the whole way through your list πŸ™‚ Those are true delights, and that could be a list I’d love too!!! I want to sit on your deck and look at the Rockies! πŸ™‚ We got to spend a few season in CO and loved it so much. God bless you!

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