Thriving Where You’re Planted When You Feel Uprooted
Thriving Where You’re Planted When You Feel Uprooted
“Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future” –Robert H. Schuller
My husband’s face was ashen and he was visibly shaken when he walked out of his home office that Monday morning. I turned from my desk and paused to read his face before he spoke. I didn’t want to hear what I feared. But he spoke the words, anyway. Fearful and broken. “I lost my job. Just like that. No notice, no real severance package to speak of—they are closing the company.”
Are you familiar with The Joyful Life magazine? If not, let me introduce them to you…I believe you’ll love the heart behind their work as much as I do! I had the delight of meeting its founder, Sandi Kaye Sutton while she prepared for the launch.
She and her hardworking and passionate team have invested themselves fully into creating a publication that is a soft place for women to land. A challenging place among peers where you will be encouraged and rooted for. A place to lean into Jesus. A visual treat to sink into a chair with. It is beautiful!
Guest post A Joyful Life
So here we are, still uncertain, but with renewed hope that God knows exactly what is happening and has good things in store for us. Our land is freshly cleared; our pruning has trimmed back much of our previous life. Let’s be completely authentic with each other here—it has hurt. It has been so painful we have wondered at times what we did to deserve this punishment—how we displeased God—even when we know deep down that isn’t how He works.
Sorrow does that to a strong but shaken faith.
It is a joy to be able to participate in a small way with this mission. Today, on their blog, you’ll be able to read my guest post, Thriving Where You’re Planted, Even When You Feel Uprooted in its entirety. These excerpts give a hint into the backstory, but please take a minute to click over and find out what we learned in the journey! That is real story after all…
Click here to head on over to The Joyful Life and read the story today. Share it with someone who feels stuck in a dark season as an offering of hope!
Hi Christa,
Just read your story about your husband’s company closing, and I can so relate. My family has been through something similar, and pruning is really a great word for what happens to your lives. I am sorry to hear that you are still in the middle of this; I love to read stories that end with a paragraph or two that explain how the Lord showed up and everything went back to being abundant. But I think it’s more real when you are still in the midst of the trial and continue to praise God and believe in his goodness.
Since that is where you are, I have faith that the Lord will show up and your family will come out on the other side of this and full of the wisdom that only comes through this kind of testing. I am praying for you today and thank you for this timely word.
Hello Julie, thank you so much for that awesome encouragement! I too love to read a nice wrap up…and while “all” is not restored…be watching for a post soon with a piece of good news! I am excited to share what God is doing in His time
This is powerful: “He loves us and prunes us for a purpose, not a punishment. And He provides strength to see us through.” Thanks for sharing an important testimony!
My honor Summer, thank you!
I have raised my kids on the adage “bloom where you’re planted”. Great share!
Isn’t it amazing how those old adages hold such powerful wisdom and truth! Thank you for reading Michelle!