Tired moms- 13 practical tips to get through the day
Tired moms- 13 practical tips to get through the day
Are you desperate for a break in the chaos of motherhood?- Part 3
If you have been a parent very long, there has likely been a day that was hard. I mean shake all your confidence difficult! Those moments pass, the seasons change, but while we are in the midst of the daily unraveling? We need some help.
Motherhood is uh-mazing. Don’t be afraid to admit that sometimes we need a break in the midst of the chaos. That doesn’t mean we don’t love being a mother! It means we are human, of limited strength.
Finding a place of mental rest is vital to a parent’s heart.
We have considered extensively the concept of helping moms find peace in life’s storms the last few posts. Please go back and read Part 1 about the “why’s” that keep us from taking the break. Then Part 2 makes a solid case for the importance of restoring ourselves.
This is the final installment in this series, encouraging a Mama’s time-out. Â The “how-to“ part you’ve been waiting for! Get ready to take some notes on how to make this goal a reality!
Psalm 107:29 He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves. (NLT)
Tips if you are desperate for a tired mom break
- Toys just for mommy’s time out– Fill a small basket with items like Legos, a puzzle, an ongoing project they don’t need assistance with, or small treat. Make sure it is unique to this time slot, something they can look forward to during mommy’s regular rest
- Train kids to respect your need to recoup ( if you interrupt mommy, next time___). This is SUPER important. Kids that don’t respect you while they are young, are much harder to train up when they are older. It is good for them and necessary for you, that they obey your wishes. Start small and don’t give up
- Create a zone– Did you see War room? It is such a popular idea, so if that works for you, definitely set aside a space specific to your needs. Or, just flop on your bed or under your clothes or anywhere that a door separates you. Space to quiet our mind doesn’t have to be big, just available
- Find a hobby, it isn’t selfish to invest in who God created you to be– Writing and creating art, it brings life to my soul. It makes me happy. Surprisingly, it took years to understand that was ok. My poor family tried to support me and my own false guilt kept tripping me up. Investing in ourself/our family isn’t an either/or choice. You are created as a multi-faceted woman. Mothering, to me, is a high and worthy calling and gift. That doesn’t mean that sprinkling a hobby into your busy minutes is not also good!
- Without stopping to still the waves, the storm isn’t allowing Jesus to still us to a whisper– Remember the verse from above? It’s much harder to find peace when we don’t remove ourselves from the situation. Make yourself a sign that reminds, you that you have done enough, you can rest now
-  Build up a Mom’s survival basket– Keep an arsenal of uplifting items. I kept a homeschool devotion book, highlighters, sticky notes, a Kindle preset to things that make you smile, fiction, a candle, etc. Whatever helps you unwind. Click here for a printable PDF list of book suggestions
You are not alone when you are tired as a mom!
- Plan for these days in advance, not just at the last minute– Consider penciling a time out into your day. Give Him a chance to speak, and for us to listen. It is hard to hear a whisper above the kids! It won’t always work out, and that is ok. Perfection isn’t what we seek, but a regular pattern will help so much
- Devotions minister to us ( a rough day without them)– Keep a  variety on your shelf. Let someone else’s words soothe you as you listen for God’s voice. Some days, especially when the storms of life rage around us, we simply don’t have the wherewithal to be coherent. A devotion can help steer us back into the right direction. If you don’t have time to read, check out The Better Mom – she wrote a great piece on why mom’s need rest
- Something to look forward to in a season (monsoon) vs. a passing storm- When it is more than daily monotony or frustration, sometimes in long seasons, it is helpful to keep planning. Little retreats to look forward to can really help keep our perspective grounded.
- Take pics of kids sleeping so we remember they are cute and sweet– In all seriousness, on a rough day, have you ever walked into the littles rooms at night and been in awe of how precious they were? The same child who melted down all. day. long? I did this through the teen years even, because it always filled me with intense gratitude and renewed affection
- Music is the soundtrack of our life– Choose a collection of songs that promote peace and help the spirit unwind. You can click here to enjoy my Chill Out playlist. I put together 4 1/2 hours of relaxation for you to enjoy. Or maybe something zippier? It can be the 1812 Overture or South Pacific. Whatever helps you take a deep breath
- Horizontal time– This can be an afternoon lifesaver. They don’t have to sleep but quiet is expected. Depending on the age, teach them to find ways to build a bit of quiet into their own habits. I know, it is SO hard when little, but little steps add up
- Accept help- Why oh why is it so difficult for us to ask for what we need? We aren’t mind readers, let’s accept help when it is offered and ask for it when we are near the edge. Set up reciprocal playdate exchanges with a friend. Switch kids so each of you can relax. Plan a meal exchange. A few friends and I once met weekly for a period of time. We each made enough dinner for three families and packaged it up. Then we all got a few nights off of meal prep
How can I be a good mom when tired?
Why do think it is so easy to berate ourselves as mothers, instead of believing we are doing a dang good job? Let’s give each other reminders to stop and take it all in.
Just how amazing of an effort we are making, because we keep showing up. Giving it our all. There is no need to feel guilt over recharging our spirit!
 There is a huge difference between self-care and selfish care.Â
Sometimes being a mom in the storm means we just want to cry. Do it.
When Jesus gives us analogies of the storm in the sea? Â That water was salty, and he calmed it. Salt is buoyant and can lift us back up.
Let him use our salty tears to be under us, not in us. Keeping us afloat.
Some days just suck, and it is okay to admit it. We waste more energy ignoring the chaos than we do to simply acknowledge it and move on. Every action won’t be right that we make, every intention won’t be understood, every lesson won’t be received.
BUT so, so many of them will be, and the impact will be more than you imagine!
Take that rest friends, you are a gift to your families, and God wants to return that gift to you. Enjoy the journey, embrace the imperfect, extend yourself grace. Every day.
Your turn- What is the biggest obstacle in your parenting journey? Are you able to find a break, and will any of these suggestions help you feel optimistic that change can happen?
If this encouraged you today, sharing is caring!
Encouragement for moms resources:
- Midnight Mom Devotional: 365 Prayers to Put Your Momma Heart to Rest
- Find Peace: A 40-day Devotional Journey For Moms
- How to Keep House While Drowning: 31 days of compassionate help
- Not Just A Mom: The Extraordinary Worth of Motherhood & HomemakingÂ
- Fierce Faith: A Woman’s Guide to Fighting Fear, Wrestling Worry, and Overcoming Anxiety
- Memory-Making Mom: Building Traditions That Breathe Life Into Your Home
- The Good Enough Mom
- Guilt-Free Mommy: Insights and Tools to Overcome Mommy Guilt
- Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms: Simple Ways to Stress Less and Enjoy Your Family More
- Disclosure: I only recommend products I do/would use myself. This post may contain affiliate links that at NO additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission to help support this blog. Read full privacy policy here.
So many great tips! Thank you!!
You are so welcome Michele!