what makes a good father? Choosing to love a child

what makes a good father?


what makes a good father?

The older I get, the more I realize the value of the father I have.

There are far too many people who have not been blessed with the guidance and love of a dad. Many people don’t know that my dad is not my biological father. He is more than that.

I tell you this today in honor of the man who chose my mother. Who chose me.

He has been in my life since I was two, I have no memories without him.

what makes a good father?

A good father chooses to love a child, even if not theirs by blood

He and my mother created a family. I am deeply humbled with gratitude for the sacrifices this man has made for me every year of my life.

He was the dad who bid the highest on his little girl’s cake at an auction, built her a treehouse to climb and dream among the leaves, to work so she could have a canopy bed, who built her toys, and did his best to parent me along with my mother.

what makes a good father quotes

When times were fun, he made me laugh. When times were hard, he was determined to not let me slip.

When I faced forks in the road, he let me choose and was there to let me learn life lessons the hard way, and still love me at the end.

 As an adult, I have surely still exasperated him, made him laugh, hopefully brought him the joy and pride he deserves.

My dad taught me the value of hard work, loyalty, inner strength, and commitment.

what makes a good father?

 Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for the man who chose to be my father.

He is mine and I am his.

Happy Father’s Day.


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  1. Such a lovely post Christa! I am one of those who grew up without a father – after the divorce he never wanted to do or have anything with me. For the longest time it bothered me but I have slowly overcome this. I had a step father but our relationship was not as great as yours was, that’s a whole different story though.

    1. I am sorry that worked out that way Ana Lynn 🙁 My bio father was heartache as well. I feel greatly for you…it is a hard thing to overcome

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