Why setting smart goals helps you accomplish more
Setting smart goals helps you accomplish more
A box came in the mail. It was an eagerly anticipated box of goodies, but when it came? I set it aside. Busy with other things.
This bothered me because I want to marvel at the treasures of the world around me. I want to be excited.
The problem was, I had added more things to my life. Too many things for one person to possibly do. That is how I generally roll.
I begin with a firm resolve to NOT add another thing…because I want to do life well, unhurried.
But things have a way of slipping back in when our guard is let down, yes?
What are the 5 SMART goals?
I asked my husband the other day for some trusted input. I was starting to feel confused by too many spinning plates.
“Do you have any insight into why I keep adding more things to life? More books, more classes, more get-togethers…without getting traction to finish them?”
“Yes”, he answered confidently.
My husband has a business management degree and I am a free spirit, restless within confined ideas. But today, I didn’t just listen, I took notes.
His summary? “You like shiny things.”
I admit to being a little confused. Was he referring to the disco ball I had him install over my work desk? “Yes I do, but how is that relevant?” I asked.
Boldy, his excellent insight lasered into how I am always searching for information. Fascinated by too many interests, which makes it difficult to focus on a single one.
One tool that is powerful in helping to organize our thoughts into actions, is the SMART acronym.
Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time-Bound.
By gauging our interests against a quick mental checklist, we can accomplish more in less time. Sometimes, we first still need a bit of work…
What’s an example of a SMART goal?
He compared my passionate pursuit of life, to being distracted by shiny things. Temptations that turn my head and send me off on rabbit trails.
My main weakness, is that I don’t know how to evaluate what the most important thing is, the thing that matters to do right now.
There is a common example frequently used about Big Rocks. You might have seen a version of this, where they put the biggest rocks into a container. The important things.
They put little rocks representing the other things in life, and they need to fit around the big rocks. Or, they just don’t fit.
How much more productive it is to weigh things out, creating a REALISTIC action plan.
For example…my husband suggested that if I want to sign up for an art class, I need to think… Can I squeeze it in while accomplishing and learning? Or, just squeeze it in and bump out other time investments I already spent the money on?
If I paid for an art class that should take precedence over new shiny things.
I love to dream, but the risk is that dreamers don’t always take action.
He teased me, “Nothing is wrong with you, but in the world of business? It would be hard to manage someone like you. If you have a task, you would find 16 other tasks to help get that one task done.”
Solicit trusted input about your strengths and weaknesses
My wise husband pointed out the impossibility of accomplishing all of the dreams in one season.
How true.
So I purchased a new day planner and I am learning to block times. Next week I am setting aside for a mental retreat. To work, to organize thoughts and ideas, to reevaluate my goals. And to do those art classes. I don’t want to live a life of half-finished projects.
It would be better to have fewer goals at a time and do less, well.
When we add too many things to our proverbial plate, it is comparable to going through a buffet. And being a pig, wanting to get our money’s worth, but feeling like crud from overconsuming.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1
How can we set smart goals?
- Don’t overcomplicate things. Choose fewer “must do’s” for each day. What are three things that would make you feel today was a win?
- Get a planner and keep it in view. Out of sight really is out of mind. Let the tool work best by having it accessible. This allows a reigning in of ideas, and reallotting time as well as moving goals when life happens using time you had planned in a different way
- Evaluate current commitments before saying yes to something else. We really CAN’T do everything well, but we can do the most important things and feel content. Adding on, no matter how rewarding something sounds, to an already busy schedule will feel overwhelming in some area
- Create time blocks. If things are not scheduled, they can easily be crowded out
- Develop an action plan. To do A, then ____ must happen, and then _____. Visualize the process
- Embrace the characteristics that make us unique, then utilize those qualities. You are wonderful because of all the things that make you, well, you! Please don’t see those as negatives but as assets. We need people who celebrate and live out their specialness
We all want to live a purposeful life. Intentional and well-lived.
I left our “meeting” with my husband feeling seen, challenged, and inspired. And he did add at the end, “You would be awesome to have on my team of big thinkers though!” Indeed!
Your turn. What is your favorite way to keep moving towards that goal? If you feel stuck, what is your biggest challenge?
Books I like about goals and perspective
- Clever Fox Planner PRO Daily – Daily Life Planner to Boost Productivity, Happiness & Hit Your Goals – Personal Daily Organizer
- Have More Fun: How to Be Remarkable, Stop Feeling Stuck, and Start Enjoying Life
- Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
- Disclosure: I only recommend products I do/would use myself. This post may contain affiliate links that at NO additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission to help support this blog. Read full privacy policy here.
I can relate to this on so many levels. I too, like “shiny things” and get distracted easily. I have had to learn to cut back and simplify so I can actually accomplish something. Thanks for the tips on setting smart targets. I will certainly be giving these a try 🙂
Awesome Michelle! I hope you make some headway. Smart move to cut back, I’ll be working on actively culling this coming week!
You were so brave and smart to ask your husband for input. You now have invaluable insight.
I am a LIST gal. I have to visualize my daily goals. If my list is too general, I revamp and make it detailed. That way I get to cross things off and have a sense of accomplishment instead of feeling overwhelmed and go into “spinning my wheels” resulting in getting nothing done.
Marita, if you enjoy lists, have you heard of the Reset Girls “Listers Gotta List”? It is such a fun and free project each month 🙂