Winter Photography -10 degrees of foolish

Winter Photography -10 degrees of foolish


Winter Photography -10 degrees of foolish

A 10 degree day.

Or, perhaps better titled, The Idiotic Nature Of A Frozen Photographer. Or maybe 10 Degrees Of Foolishness.

Today must be remembered, forever stamped as the day I nearly lost my mind. And perhaps my toes.

After a snowy, icy week it was a welcome treat to see blue sky this morning. And technically, winter hasn’t hit yet.


an icy snow drift


I am one of those who mistakes sunshine for good walking weather

Even whenย hearing the wind against the house and seeing the blinding glint of ice reflecting from the street.

The bitter wind was no match for my layers, but my single socked tootsies were fair game. They hurt within minutes of leaving.ย Seeing no other forms of life was telling.

Having to walk in the middle of the street to avoid ice, might have been a clue to turn back. Not for this stubborn pedestrian.


an ice covered street


10 degrees is not a great walk

I made it around the block, with my nose stinging and my feet unable to wiggle. That wind hurt, and PAINFUL is the only way to describe it, slipping through the cracks of my scarf.

I walked home and did what anyone else would, considering.

I grabbed my camera and set out again. F.O.O.L.I.S.H.


blow up santa and snowmen


Why? Because a single gust of wind blew the frozen pellets across the street in visible waves of white.

People who don’t live near this beauty would want to see it, I reasoned.


Photography {10 degrees}


Stuff you learn in winter

I crossed a line between sanity and freakishly dumb. All for a few pictures, that didn’t even turn out exceptional. The things I do for you โ™ฅ.

Though, in retrospect, youย would have whispered, “It’s not worth it…go back inside…”


snow on the prairie


A good painful hour followed, with burning eyes and searing fingers and noses.

So even if the pictures are subpar, they are hard won!

And dangit, they are going to be shared.

How quickly the tornados of a few weeks ago are nearly forgotten without broken reminders. And fall already a fading memory.


Photography {10 degrees}


Oh, I checked the temperature after I got home.

Next time I will remember to look before I open the door, bundled up almost to the point of immobility. Then I will close the door and pull out an exercise dvd.

As the locals do, not ignorant transplants.

10 degrees. Wind chill-zero.

The perfect temp to enjoy the view from inside.


icicles in plantsย ย 

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  1. Oh, Christa! I sure hope you warmed up and feel better by now.

    With this much cold and the snow, which I fear the most because of my revised hips, I stayed in and worked out in my…Kitchen. I made butter cookies and bread for the Eucharist offering tomorrow, and cooked octapus with cut macaroni. So warm in here, had to turn the heat down ๐Ÿ™‚

    Seriously, this is not the time for fun and walks. Thank you for sharing the photos and so beautifuly described your experience. The pics are nice but I feel not worth the pain you went through. I also am not very pleased with the snow photos I usually take. “Cold” overpowers peace!

    Stay warm!


    1. Amen Katina! Octopus? Where do you find such exotic food, does Chicago have fish markets? Was that recipe a greek one from home?

  2. People who don’t live in the snow country love to see pictures of snow (like me), but don’t comprehend the cruelty of the cold (unless you’ve lived there). Did you have to wait long for your camera to adjust to the cold? My favorite photo is the one with the slants of light. I remember visiting my son in North Dakota for Christmas. I feel your pain.

    1. Oh North Dakota, brrr. That must have felt brutal. It was a point and shoot but it did take a second to snap each one. Figured the battery would drain right out! Shelley, when we lived in the West, I swear we thought 50 was FREEZING. Now we know better

  3. I think the pictures are beautiful! My favorite is the roof top. I have no idea what 8 degrees feels like. Maybe next time instead of a walk you could just sit in your car with the windows open just wide enough to fit the camera and zoom in on some great shots. But what do I know? Our snow men always have dirt and leaves stuck to them. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I thought I would get some fresh air and exercise. It turned out to be mental exercise ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d like to see a Texas snowman

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